Love Thy Sister (Lesbian Story): Chapter 15

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This is a very emotional part for many reasons. I even had to force myself not to get teary eyed while writing it. Some parts in this may seem unrealistic, but believe it or not things like this do happen in everyday life. I hope you enjoy this part and make sure that you comment, vote if you like it, and add to your library if you really like it.


Crystal 8:36pm

I think my parents have forgotten how sneaky Abbey and I really are. We called them right after school today and said we had to stay after for yearbook. The funny thing is they went on and on about how they had always been glad that we joined and that they loved last year’s edition. Truth is we were never in Yearbook, we actually despise yearbook. It took us everything not to burst into laughter right there on the phone. It just proves that they really don’t know shit about us.

Abbey on the other hand things differently. She’s been super psyched about how Mother and Father are trying to be in our lives more. I told her she was insane and of course she got pissed. I just can’t understand how she could say such a thing. Mother and Father never supported us in anything and one day of acting like Nazi parents isn’t going to change that. We actually got into a fight about it during school. We were eating lunch together and I just told her that wanting to forgive our parents was the most stupid idea. She got pissed because she thought I was calling her stupid.

The one thing that I can’t stand about Abbey is the fact that she tries to put words into your mouth. For instance, if you say she’s being overdramatic she argues and swears up and down you’re calling her a dramatic person. That just really gets under my skin. Everyone has pet peeves in their relationship though right? I’m learning so much about Abbey it’s ridiculous. I mean you would think that since we’re sisters I would know everything about her. Wrong. I learn something new about her each and every day.

They’re not all bad though. There’s so much that I love about Abbey. The thing I love the most about her though is how she can be so optimistic about life. I’ve always been a hardcore realist and secretly a lush romanticist. I’ll look at a happy couple walking down the street and automatically think that they’re cheating on each other or that their not really happy. But deep down I know that there has to be some kind of love there. Abbey is completely different. She’ll look at that same couple and think that they’re so cute and her realist side won’t kick in until proof is given to her. She gives me hope when I am hopeless, I love it.

So anyway, after school I ended up taking Abbey downtown to visit the art gallery that Savanna’s parents own. Abbey loves art just like I do so she really appreciated it. Oddly Savanna wasn’t there, but I was kind of happy about that to be honest. I could just tell that Abbey did not like Savanna and I really didn’t feel like that whole hostility vibe. Abbey has nothing to fear though. Savanna is just like me and I could never date someone who was just like me, which is another reason why I love Abbey so much.

Her favorite paintings were those interpretation paintings. You know the kind where you have to really think about the message the artist was trying to convey. I love those paintings too but I love the kind where the message is clearly spelled out for you. I guess I prefer those because I want to know why the artist was trying to convey that message. We literally sat there and stared at one of the paintings for a half hour just thinking about it. Savanna’s parents found it hilarious how we just stood there in silence analyzing the picture. Savanna’s parents are so cool though I think the thing I love the most about them is how they don’t hover. They introduced themselves to Abbey and then just left us alone to wander amongst their beautiful arts.

The whole thing was romantic though. Afterwards we ended up sitting in a park together just holding on to each other. The thing I love about downtown is how people don’t sit there and judge your every action. People simply passed by as Abbey and I openly expressed our love. It was so funny though how her eyes lit up when I told her that our 1 month anniversary would be coming up next Saturday. I really can’t believe that it’s been an entire month. It seems like we’ve been dating forever. If the 1st month was this great I can’t imagine how amazing the future is going to be.

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