Love Thy Sister (Lesbian Story): Chapter 17

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When you go from rich to homeless in less than 24 hours you really see how good you had it. You really begin to enjoy the simple things in life. The taste of water becomes richer, and a bite of moldy bread tastes like it came fresh out of the oven. If you haven’t caught on yet, I am currently broke. No, I am dirt poor. I’m living the reality of a teen that was kicked out of their parents’ house. I always expected to be kicked out, but not like this. I expected to get kicked out because I’m gay, not because I tried to protect Abbey.

                I actually managed to call Abbey this morning. She didn’t pick up though because it was during school. In our, I mean her Nazi strict school cell phones are prohibited unless there is an emergency. I consider your homeless sister calling you to be an emergency, but I guess administration doesn’t. I was able to call be because lucky for me I found a few quarters on the street and there was a payphone nearby. I didn’t know people still used payphones.

                I left her a voicemail basically saying that I was ok and that she shouldn’t worry. Maybe she didn’t pick up because she didn’t know the number. I tried to call her from my cell phone, but mother cut me off. I need to find a way to sneak back into the house. Since I was so angry the night before when mother kicked me out, I forgot that I had money stashed away. I kept it in the back part of our closet. There’s a good 1000 dollars in there. I never established a bank account because mother said it was unnecessary. Now I just have to figure out how I’m going to sneak back in. I know for a fact that mother and father aren’t home during the day so from between 7am and 3pm I could sneak in. But, it is a gated community and there’s a lot of security around.

                The only way that I could possibly get the money is to ask Crystal to grab it then meet her near her school and get it from her. But would she do it? Would she risk mother and father finding out and potentially kicking her out as well? The only way to find that out is to ask her. My worries keep getting the best of me. I keep thinking that when I do finally talk to Abbey that she’ll be some kind of brainwashed zombie that Mother and Father have created. I don’t know if Abbey can handle them without me.

                In a way I feel like it was both of us trapped in this castle and I went through hell to escape. Now I must go back for her because she’s my true love. If it were anyone else I’d be selfish and just look out for myself, I wouldn’t dare go back for them. Well at least not in this situation. Mother and Father are like these two evil dragons. No, mother is like an evil witch and father is like her little servant who goes along with all of her evil agendas. I swear that man is a spineless piece of shit.

                You know how earlier I was talking about how I need a plan? Well I went to the library and started looking up some information on being emancipated. I managed to find out that in this state you need to be 16 to be emancipated. Lucky for me I turn 16 in just one month. To be emancipated you have to prove that you have a place to live (not just crashing at a friend’s place), and that you have a steady income that allows you to take care of yourself. Basically you have to prove that you’re able to stand on your own two feet without the help of a parent or guardian.

                I know that I emotionally have what it takes to be on my own, I just need the materials. Right now I need a job that’s the main thing I need. When I turn 16 I’ll have a better chance at getting a job. It all seems easy when it’s written out in black and white, but really it isn’t. Getting to where I want to be is not going to be an easy task. My dream is to just be with Abbey freely. I mean it would be so amazing to just have a home with Abbey and express my love for her freely. One day it’s going to happen, I just know it will.

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