Love Thy Sister (Lesbian Story): Chapter 7

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Our so called parents came home today...I hate when they come home. But the weird thing is that they actually stayed for longer than ten minutes. And they actually talked to us. The last time I heard either of them speak to us directly was months ago...and they were yelling when they did...I remember it perfectly. It was a Monday night and they both came in together wearing their work outfits and started screaming at anything. When they come home it feels like strangers in our house. You know how when company comes over. Like the aunt you really don’t know but you don’t want to be rude by telling them to get the hell out. But you really want to? That’s how it always feels with them...Abbey and I never talk to them. If they speak to us we don’t reply unless they threaten sending us away. So today they came home and mom came home with this revolting fancy dinner stuff and wanted us to sit down as a “family” and eat with her. So we put on our Sunday’s best. Which consisted of my grey hoodie and my nice wide legged jeans with my rainbow choker and Abbey’s beautiful black nightmare before Christmas shirt that showed her “plentiful fruits” and these tight red skinny jeans that shaped her “assets” perfectly and then her hair straightened thick eyeliner her beautiful bracelets and converse. I swear if they hadn’t been nibbling their hell’s food at the table I would have jumped across it and attacked her gentle beautiful perfect orgasmic building body with so much passion we both would have passe out by the end of it. The dinner was awkward. They both wanted to talk to us about our lives...neither of us answered until “father” yelled and threatned seperate boarding schools. So we replied with the simple “fine.” and then exchanged glances across the giant overly priced dinning table. Mother was talking about how Abbey should have worn something more appropreiate and how I should stop dressing like a man and dress like a prim and proper lady so that one day I will find a husband. When she said this Abbey and I almost chocked on our dry food in laughter. “Mother” on the other hand did not think that this was funny at all. So after we all awakwardly finished out meals Abbey and I cleaned up then our parents left...It was a sigh of relief when they left and as soon as their costly red sports car zipped down the road i pinned Abbey against the wall with a grin and kissed her with as much passion as I could. She melted and even moaned a little than wrapped her arms around my waist and we both hugged eachother. Later we both decided that dinner left a bad memory in both our minds and our mouths so we both went into our secret fridge and scooped out ice cream then cuddled next to the T.V and watched re runs of celebrity rehab. I love watching that show with her. She knows so much about things like that. It’s amazing to just watch the light from the T.V reflect off her eyes and how she smiles and talks as she watches it. During commercial breaks I attacked her with kisses and she giggled and blushed and would kiss back shyly and as soon as the commercial break was over she would giggle and scream: “Stop Crystal hehe it’s back on!” I love when she says that. So at about ten o’clock we decided to just walk around our empty castle. I mean it’s an emense house and we’ve only seen four rooms. Our room, the living room, dinning room, and bathroom.There’s about twenty more. So as we were walking we came across a room that was filled with almost every musical item placed tastefully throughout the room. It was so amazing as I glanced over and saw Abbey’s eyes widen like a little kid waking up Christmas morning and finding everything they wanted under the tree. In the middle of the room there was this giant grand piano. It was the older version and in perfect condition. I love the piano. I could never play well at all but I love pianos. So I walked over and began pressing down on a few keys and the most beautiful noise escaped from them. Even though I couldn’t play worth a damn it made it sound like I was on a large stage doing a magnificent piano recital. Pure relaxation swept over me in less than a second. Abbey was so excited and began running around the touching different instruments and attempting to play every kind. You should have heard her running around screaming “Holly shit! I wanna learn all of these!” I just laughed and laid across the piano seat and watched her. We were so busy looking at all the rooms contents we didn’t stop for one second to notice the craftsmanship that must have went into making this room. There was one wall that was literally a giant mirror. The ceiling had this beautiful ice chandelier the floor was this unusual Stony texture that when the light hit the chandelier and then bounced down to the ground the stones showed this metallic like appearance. I always wanted to live in a house were every floor was like that. Maybe one day I’ll become really rich (my own way) and live in a castle. With Nikki as my beautiful princess. I always loved castles. Their filled with so much. But I only like the castles that haven’t been destroyed by “modernizing” it. Modernization will destroy almost everything one day. Quote me. So after Nikki got down with her music high we decided to head back to our room, but agreed that we would have to visit a new room everyday until we got through them all. Well after that it was about 2 in the morning and we were both exhausted and not looking forward to waking up in another 3 hours but we both took our showers (seperate...) then climed into bed together. Well I guess your wondering how am I writing this at 3am and not passing out asleep yet? Well I love staying awake to watch and listen to Abbey sleep. It probably sounds creepy but I love it. Well I’ve written like three pages so. Good night. I mean good morning.

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