Love Thy Sister (Lesbian Story): Chapter 19

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Crystal 9:16pm

Living in a library can make you feel like a bit of a hoarder. You’re surrounded by thousands of books, its freezing, you’re alone (well at night), it’s dusty, and mice have a tendency to run around. For some strange reason I love all of it though. I mean yeah it’s not like home, but for right now it’s my home. I’ve been living here for a few days now and it is so much better than a bathroom at a 24 hour convenience store.

I was so afraid my first night here. I thought for sure someone would catch onto the fact that I had planned on staying the night. I have to admit it was kind of boring just waiting around and hiding. Since the librarians know that I’m a bookworm they weren’t too suspicious. I didn’t even have to hide that much to be honest. She just checked around the fiction section then locked up. I was terribly afraid of the dark though. The only light was from the moonlight. Lucky for me I had taken my $1000 and bought a few candles and a flashlight. I also bought a heater.

The way I set up my little space is quite interesting. I found an outlet to plug in my heater (lucky for me they don’t turn off the electricity) I pushed a few bean bags together from the children’s section and I covered myself with a blanket. It was actually very comfortable, until I heard mice running around. At first I screamed and fell over, but then I could just ignore them. After all they do need a place to stay too.

Did I mention the fact that Abbey has been visiting me? I cried when I saw her. I missed her so much and as soon as she ran into my arms I just went hysterical. She cried too of course, more than me in fact. It took me a half hour just to calm her down. I was surprised that Mother and Father actually let her out the house. I thought for sure that they would be suspicious and think that I was there. But on the other hand I don’t even think they know a library exists around here.

For the past three days she’s been visiting me for about 2 hours a day after school. Every time I see her we always go in the back where the bean bags are and just cuddle. No one ever goes back there so no one really notices us. Having her right next to me is the best feeling. I feel so comforted when she’s right there with me. We talk about everything just like we used to. She tells me how horrible Mother and Father are, how she misses me, how school is stupid, and how she’s dreading this date with Matt.

Oh I forgot to mention her date with Matt is tomorrow…so is our anniversary. She has this crazy idea where she’s going to act obnoxious and make Matt not like her at all then at the end of the date she’s going to slap him across the face. I know she’s not going to do it though. I know Abbey, she would be too afraid of what Mother and Father would do. I on the other hand would make the date the worse date he’s ever had. I’m talking about the most grotesque date that ever. The night would consist of the worse table manners, the ugliest outfit, and the best sucker punch ever. No wonder why mother never set me up on dates.

When it comes to Abbey and me we are completely different. I’m more courageous because quite frankly I could care less, and she cares so much about everything. I was born with an “I don’t give a shit” attitude. She was born with a “What is everyone going to think” attitude. See? We are two completely different people. I wish she was more courageous though, or kept her word at least. She tries to act like she’s tough and a rebel, but in reality she’s timid and nervous. I used to find it cute, but now I just don’t know.

So you’re probably wondering how I’m able to deal with the fact that my girlfriend is about to go on a date with the most arrogant, egotistical, and chauvinistic teenage boy alive. I’m not going to lie, a bottle of alcohol would make this situation all the better. However, I don’t condemn alcoholism so I’ll have to deal with this situation completely sober. So far a pile of books and stacks of notebooks have helped me to completely forget about the entire date. Whenever I think about it I just read or I’ll add onto my books that I’m writing. They help me focus and keep me from going to Mother and Father’s house and busting out their windows.

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