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/Jenna/ July 12, 2016 [old firehouse]

"It was awesome havin you here lieutenant" cheif says patting my back
"Thanks for the opportunity to show what I'm capable of doing for the community, but my visit to my family is due, besides I'm sure firehouse 51 won't be that bad" I shrug
"I've heard nothing but good things from firehouse 51" cheif answer
"That makes me feel better" I reply while lifting my box with picture frames, pens, my sweatshirts etc.
"Do good kid" my superior says while looking down on me
"Always do cheif" I salute to him

I walk out of my old home and make my way to my car which is packed with clothes, dishes, shoes etc.
"Okay so I've got everything with me besides furniture which is in the moving truck on my way to my new place now" I remind myself

just before going onto the turnpike I stop at the nearest gas station to fill my tank and get a snack for the road...

*2 hours later*

"Is that it?....YES It is" I say parking in the drive way of my new house

Getting out of my car, I grab the box from my front seat and set it down on the hood of my truck just as the moving truck pulls in

They get out and start unloading the furniture from the truck and taking inside my house

"Hello? Welcome to the neighbourhood I'm kel...jenna?" I hear from behind me just before I grab my box

"Huh?...Kelly wow! How are you?" I turn around

"Good, are you moving in here?" He asks

"Yes I transferred firehouses" I say setting my box back down

"Which one are you going to?" He asks

"51, so I'll be seeing you everyday" I respond with an fake evil smile

"Wait...are you the the new candidate on squad?" He asks

"I believe so" I nod

"Wow, well I live right next to you if you need anything" he says

"Likewise, thanks" I thank him he nods and wonders off to his home

*2 hours later into the evening*

"Thankyou!" I say to the moving truck men for helping me with everything as I write checks out to the both of them

"Its our job" the one boy who looks to be around 18 says cheery

"Have a nice rest of you day, boys" I say as I hand them the checks

"You to" they say leaving

I walk up the stairs and look around to try and get use to the new environment I put myself into

I walk into my room then to my bathroom to take a quick shower before bed

I undress, clean my hair, body, shave etc.

I get out get dressed into some shorts and an oversized lieutenant shirt from my old firehouse and walk back into my room to get some sleep after my long day...

*Next day*

"Shut up!" I say to my alarm clock reaching down to unplug it

I get out of bed with a groan and make my way downstairs to make some coffee

I make my coffee, I drink it and make my way back upstairs to get ready for my long day

"Ugh, what to wear" I say searching my closet finally settling on jeans and a camo shirt with some boots and my jacket since it's cold outside

On my way to my car I lock my doors to assure safety, I get in my car and make my way to firehouse 51

*15 minutes later*

I get out of my car with my duffel bag containing a new pair of clothes, shoes, toothbrush and paste, and a towel

I walk into the Garage to see matt Rolling up one of the hoses for the trucks

"Hey I'm new and I'm looking for cheif boden" I say in my best posh accent

"Jenna? What are you doing here" he asks

"Hi to you too big brother" I say offended

"Oh sorry sis I didn't mean it that way, I mean what happen to firehouse 12?" He asked

"I just got home sick so I transferred here" I say as he hugs me tight

A pretty girl dark skinned girl with Brown hair just looks at our encounter confused

"Oh yeah...jenna this is gabby my girlfriend... gabby this is Jenna my sister" Matt say

"Your gabby? Matt doesn't stop talking about you...like ever" I say as she blushes

Matt chuckles while playfully pushing me

"You do not look anything like matt" she says laughing

"I'm the only Casey with Brown hair and Brown eyes" I say and he nods in agreement

"Oh, well it was nice meeting you, hopefully we can get together soon, but it looks like you should go see cheif" she says hugging me

"Definitely!" I say gladly returning the hug

Matt shows me to cheif office I knock on it only to be greeted by a rough voice "come in"
I walk in and smile
"Hello cheif, I'm Jenna Casey I transferred from firehouse 12 as the new candidate for squad" I say and he stands, nods and hold out his hands which I take

"Hello jenna, I'm Wallace boden. You can call me cheif boden or boden, which ever floats your boat" he says shacking my hand

"Thankyou for exempting my offer to transfer here" I say

"Yes of course, go ahead and I'll call Matt to give you a tour. You can do your locker and I'll introduce you to everyone" he says I nod and wait for him to dismiss me

"Your good to go Matt should be here in a second" he says and in sync Matt knocks on the office door

I open it and walk out after bidding cheif boden a see you later wave

"You ready to meet everyone?" Matt asks as I walk out

"Yeah I saw severide again yesterday, he is my neighbor" I say and he nods...


First chapter yall!

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