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/Jenna/ july 14, 2016 [home]

"I need a dog" I say to myself noticing I'm really lonely at home by myself
"You do" I hear from behind me
I jump and look behind me to see Kelly
"Dickhead, how'd you get in here?" I asks pouring coffee
"Your back door is open" he says sittin down
"So... you just walk in?" I ask
"Yes, you said your lonely. I have off today as well so I came here" he replys
"Oh" I say
"What do you want to do?" He asks
"Well I'm having lunch with someone today but we can hang after that" i say
"Who?" He asks
"Pardon?" I ask
"Who are you going to lunch with?" He asks smiling
"Someone" I say sipping my coffee
"Okay, I know who it is" he says
"Who?" I ask
"Jay" he says
"He came into your house last night and left this morning" he continues
"Are you half firefighter half stalker?" I ask
"I was just walking into my house when i saw Jay walk in and I was grabbing my charger out of my car when I saw him walk out" he says
"So what?" I say
"Nothing, I'm just saying I know" Kelly answers
"Oh" I say putting my mug in the sink

Me and Kelly decide to watch some movies untill Jay comes to pick me up
"Jay just text me saying he was on his way and 10 minutes out" I say and he nods saying goodbye and leaving

I get dressed into comfy clothes and then hear a knock at my door
"Hey" he says
"Hi" I say to him and we head to the nearest diner to have a quick lunch

*3 weeks later*

"Morning!" I say to Jay when he comes downstairs fro  sleeping
"Morning babe" he says kissing my head and grabbing a mug and pouring coffee
"Can I use your shower?" He asks
"Or course" I say and he leaves

Me and Jay have been dating since we had lunch three weeks ago

*5 minutes later*

I just made some eggs with bacon and fruit, just as jays phone starts blowing up...

I look at his phone and see a bunch of text
Brittney😙: hey jay, come over before you come to work , maybe we can have a little fun
Brittney😙:maybe I could come to your place
Brittney😙: are you still with that slut!
Brittney😙: hello?

I turn the phone off and eat my food just as Jay walks into the kitchen
"What did you make" he asks grabbing his phone
"Food" I say rudely putting a plate down for him roughly
"Whats wrong with you?" He asks
"Nothing jay" I say putting my plate in the sink
"There is something wrong" he says standing up
"Whos Brittney, we've been dating for three weeks jay" I say looking at him
"My sister" he answers
"My ass Halstead, get out!" I say
"What the fuck Jennifer, I'm not cheating on you" he says grabbing his plate and throwing it

I flinch and look back at my broken plate then at Jay
"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to!" He says about the plate
"Get out" I say pointing to the door
"But..." he says trailing off
"G.e.t  o.u.t" I say slowly
He turnes on his heals grabbing his phone and walking out of my house

I turn around and grab my boom to pick up the shards of glass, I then lean against the fridge and start crying as I slide down the door

"What happened?" I hear Matt

"Nothing I'm fine Matthew" I say wiping my tears and standing up
"Somethings up, severide called me saying the Jay stormed out of hear after a bunch of screaming" Casey says concerned

"I'm okay I have to leave for work in a hour, same for you" I say turning around and walking to my room to get ready for work

I pack a change of clothes, shoes, towel ect. In my duffel bag I put it around my shoulder and walk downstairs to grab a water bottle right as I walk to my door to leave

*15 minutes later*

I arrive at work just as a call comes in

Engine51, squad3, truck81, ambulance61... car collision south barwell dr.

We rush to put our turnout gear on and get into our trucks and race to the scene of damsels in distress

We hop out of our trucks and runs to the car's to inspect

"Hey, I've got kids" I say to Matt and he nods and runs over with the jaws

We cut the doors off of the car as a the woman starts trying to get up

"Hey! stay still, we are going to get you out" I say putting a c-collar around her neck as gabby runs over with a stretcher

We get two of the kids out of the car along with the mother and they are okay so far but everyone is trying to focus on getting this little boy out of the back seat which we learned wasn't wearing a seat belt

I am able to reach him so I check for a pulse when I don't find one, I shake my head at gabby and she nods

"We've got DOA" gabby announced to everyone and they nod

"I got him, someone pull the seat forward" I say and mouch pulls on the seat releasing the deceased child

"My babyyyy!" The mother yells as Sylvie tryes to calm her

"I'm sorry" I say to the mother and she gives me a dirty look

"Your kids didn't have any seat belt at all, things could have gotten worse" Hermann says looking at the lady

"Seat belts are not needed" she says rolling her eyes

"Well see where your attitude got you, a dead child, be more careful next time because they all could have died today" I say to her and walk away

We clean up and drive back to the firehouse

what goes around comes around》JAY HALSTEAD AND KELLY SEVERIDEWhere stories live. Discover now