06》Day in a life of a firefighter

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/Jenna/ August 10th, 2016 [firehouse]

Just as we get back the tannoy goes off again

Truck81, Engine51, squad3, ambulance61...ride malfunction Illinois county fair

We all jump back into our trucks with new tanks with us and rush to the scene

We arrive and see a bunch of people crowding around a faris wheel at the Illinois county fair

"CHICAGO FIRE DEPARTMENT, OUT OF THE WAY" all of the firefighters including me yell as we make out way to the ride

I look up and see a guy climbing the ride to get to a cart

"Hey come back down you can't be up there!" I yell

"My child is crying up here"he yells back as he yells he loses his balance and falls but catches himself on one of the carts make if the cart lean forward causing everyone to yell in anticipation

"GET THE CUSHION UP" severide demands as engine runs in his demand

"I'm going up" I say to severide who nods

I take off towards the ride with Matt and Hermann staying at the bottom incasemi need to pass someone down

As I get up there I look my harness to the ladder of the side of the ride and lean over to grab the guy, when I'm able to I climb down the ladder of the ride and pass him to Hermann

"I think there is a kid up there, I heard him breathing fast...GABBY! Should I check for breathing complications?" I ask her

"No just focus on getting them down if there in danger, I'll check them once there down" she responds back trying to calm a woman who is talking about how her daughter is pregnant and at the top

I climb back up with severide following behind

"I'm going to try and get the kid" I say to him knowing everything I do needs to be clarified with him first

"Yes, be careful"he says hooking his harness in place

I go to grab the cart and the kid when i fall forward causing me to grab the cart

I successfullyly grab the kid whom latches onto me tight
I then fall back letting go of the ride and falling onto the cushion with the kid in my arms

Bolden and Cruz run over to help us off of the cushion

"Thankyou" the little boy says while hugging me

"Your welcome bud" I say

"But I need to get back to work" I say to him and he nods running to his dad

The ride starts moving as severide is up there

"STOP THE RIDE! STOP THE RIDE!" I yell to the man controlling it

"Severide come down so we can continue evacuating everyone" boden says over his radio

Severide makes his way down when the ride stops and comes down and over to me

"You did good" he says Patton my back and walking to the entrance of the ride to help people down

"Woooohoooo!" One of the girls about 15 says

"That was fun" she continues

I just laugh and walk to the squad truck with the rest of squad

We clean up the cushion and stuff we used then we say bye to everyone while getting in the truck and heading back to the firehouse

When we arrive, I keep my turnout pants on in case another call comes in and I make my way to the kitchen to make lunch

"Yall want something?" I ask as gabby comes next to me and smile

"I want to help" she insists as everyone says they want spaghetti

"Okay, let's start" I say grabbing a pot and filling it with water and setting on top of the stove to boil

*15 minutes late*

We have garlic bread made and ready to put in the oven as the times goes off saying the water is boiled

I throw the noodles in as gabby puts the garlic bread in the oven

"So you and my brother?" I ask smirking

"Yeah he's awsome, I couldn't ask for more" gabby says smiling at me

"He a good guy, he talks about you alot, good things but talks a lot about you" I say smiling

"I didn't think he talked about me alot" she says blushing

"Yes, two weeks ago Matt called me saying 'gabby is really hot being a firefighter and all yunno?' And I'm like no Matthew I don't know" I say cringing at his mention of gabby being hot

"Oh my god!" She says opening her mouth agape

"Yeah" I say mixing the noodles

"Matthew I hate you" she says playfully as he walks in with Kelly

"Me too"Kelly says smirking and coming up to me to see what I'm cooking

"Want to try my potions boyoh" I say in a witch like voice mixing the noodles like a potion

"Would you poison a hot firefighter like me" he says in a sassy way

"Hot bahahah your funny" I say to him

"That hurt my feeling" he says pouting

"You arnt as big and thick skinned as people think are, areyou?" I say throwing a noddle at him

"Maybe not, it's just when a hot firefighter says that I'm not hot it really gets to me" he says smirking

I look around and seeing that what severide said caught gabby and Matt's attention causing Matt to tense up at the mention of me being hot

"You just dug a deep hole kelly" I say pointing to Matt

Severide looks at Matt the back at me

"Opps" severide says then taking off running away from Matt as Matt follows behind

"Do not hang Kelly off the top of the firetruck" I say in a joking matter

gabby Just laughts and then we smell smoke and realise we forgot about the garlic bread

"Oh no" gabby says grabbing the bread out

"Yay! It's not burnt" I say looking at her

"Thats good, because if it was the boys would only be having spaghetti not garlic bread

"After th noodles are done cooking I dish it out on plates with Sauce on top with garlic bread

We all sit down and eat and enjoy each others company

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