12》pranking the fire man

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/Jenna/ August 11th, 2016[Kelly's apartment]

Me and shay are sitting on her bed watching some movie when shay turns the tv off and turn her attention to me...

"Time to prank kelly" she says
"Again" I groan setting my phone down
"Yes this time, we are gonna write on him!" She says
"What with?" I ask
"Sharpe, we are going to draw things on him" she says holding up a bright red and yellow markers
"So you pick firefighter colors?" I say standing up once she does
"Yes, it'll match him" she say throwing me the red marker
"Okay let's go" I say walking to the door with her hot on my heels

We open Kelly's door quietly and walk in to see that he is asleep

We walk over to his bed and start writing on him

I write "I'm a fireman and a dumbass" and my name

Shay writes "I love Jenna casey" and "shays bestfriend"

We chuckle silently and run out of the room once we see Kelly wake up

We start running like our lives depend on it

Shay gets to the kitchen and I hide in a closet but i realise he would find me so I walk out and run to the kitchen to find shay

When I walk in I get squirted with water I look up and see shay holding the sink hose

"Sorry, I thought you were kelly" she says putting the hose down

"It's fine" I say

"I don't think Kelly is going to follow us, he probably went back to bed" she states and I nod

"Can I barrow a shirt so i can put this once in the dryer?" I ask

"Yeah" she says and we walk to her room

She hands me a cfd shirt and I change into it then walk to the laundry room

I throw my shirt in the dryer and wait

I hear the door open I look back and see Kelly closing to door and locking it

"Your going to kill me?" I ask while chuckling

"No" he says walking up to me and kissing me passionately I kiss back and he runs his hands all over me

I nibble his ear loab and he pickds me up and puts me on top of the dryer

I start taking off his shorts while he works on my shirt

He takes my sweatpants off and I take his shirt off

"Are you okay with this" he says pausing and looking at me before continuing

"Yes Kelly do it" I groan in his ear and he nods while chuckling

He enters me and starts thrusting slow

"Kelly go faster" I say through gritted teeth

"Okay" he say going faster

"Ughhh" I moan

"Fuck" he says gripping my hips tight I know I'm going to have a bruise there later

"Oh my god kelly" I try to say while moaning

"I'm so close" he says going harder

"Me too" I say coming close to my end

I look up at him and notice he is already looking down at me

I start moaning a little to loud for my liking luckily the dryer was going drowning out our love noises

"I love you" he says kissing me all over while we come to our end

I become unstable and fall back a little but Kelly catches me

I just look at him and smile while I come down from my high

I then see him trailing down my body and he starts pleasuring me with him mouth

I just run my hands in his hair, grabbing it, pulling it, pushing his head further

I soon come close to my second orgasm

I climax again and he comes up to kiss me and I taste myself on him

I regain strength and jump off of the dryer and push him against it and get to my knees to pleasure him the same way

He soon comes to his end and we get dressed

I smirk at him and grab my shirt out of the dryer and fold it

We walk out and say goodnight to eachother and I walk to shays room again

When I walk in shay smirking

"I never heard Kelly moan that load before" she says to me

"Oh my gosh, shay" I say hiding my face

"It's okay it's natural" she says and I just roll my eyes

"Was he better then Halstead?" She asks knowing what happened between me and Halstead a few weeks ago

"Yes alot better" I nod sitting on the bed and laying down

"Goodnight" i say closing my eyes

She just chuckles and finishes her movie while I try to fall asleep but can't get Kelly off my mind...


Short chapter but just a filler

Oooooh Jenna and kelly


Which ship name?


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