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Jenna/ September 30/ med

"GET OUT. I HAVE AN IDEA." I say looking out one of the windows to see the ground a few floors below

Everyone is finally out a few seconds later

I run over the the window smashing it quickly and jumping out of it

I hit the ground and knock unconscious...

Current time:

I gain consciousness again, then see kelly next to me looking worried. Then look to the other side to see paramedics running over with a stretcher.

"Dinner wasn't suppose to end like this, but I'm fine really, just gotta go home and take a bath" I say trying to stand up and Kelly moves to grab me as I fall back hard on my ass

"Ma'am you broke your left ankle on the way down. And I'm sure you have smoke inhalation. We are taking you to med" the paramedic says to me helping me up into the stretcher

"Yeah you should go, but I'm going with you" Kelly says holding your hand and kissing you

"Great. That makes it 10 times more bare able" I say sarcastically then laugh as he looks at me with a frown

"Mhm. You love me" Kelly says winking

"Always" I say smiling

"Always" he says back

I get loaded onto the ambulance and we drive off to med.


We get there moments later. 

"Ready?" Kelly says

"Uh no. I hate hospitals. But since I have to whateverrr" I say to him

"It'll be quick. Your not that injured" he says rubbing my knee

"Hopefully" I say rolling my eyes

They bring me into a room where dr. Halstead then walks in

"So what's going on?" Halstead asks

"She jumped out of a window." Kelly says

"Can't stop being in danger can you?" Halstead says with a laugh

"I guess not. But me and Kelly were out at a restaurant. The kitchen went in flames. We went to help. I got most of the fire out. But then it grew they I told kelly and the fire department to leave that I had an idea and I jumped from the window. It was that or I died with the fire" I say to will out of breath from speaking

"Well lets get you all fixed up. Got some very minor burns. Just put some ointment on that. Let me get your angle wrapped up. And get you something to help with the smoke inhalation" will says nodding and walking off

"I wanna go home" I say pouting

"I know. Soon though baby" Kelly said

Will comes back in, bandages my ankle and gives me some medication for my smoke inhalation and gives me some papers to sign for my release.

" good to go, sign those papers and handed back to me" will says walking out

I sign the papers and Kelly takes them out to will

Will comes back in with a pair of crutches

" here, you're gonna need these for a few weeks. Come back in two to three weeks and I'll get that cast off" will says

"Wait. So I can't work" I say to him looking down at my ankle

"Unfortunately no you can't. But it's only three weeks" he says

"Only three weeks he said" I say to kelly

Kelly rolls his eyes at me

"I can't not work for three weeks. That's gonna be really boring" I say to will

"You need to heal" will says smiling and walking out

"Ok then I guess" I say grabbing my crutches and standing up

Me and kelly make our way out of the hospital and then Kelly realizes that his dumbass left his car at the restaurant

"Get an Uber to the restaurant. Get your car" I say

Then out of the corner of my eye I see his car pulling up and Matt getting out of the front seat and gabby driving Matt's truck in behind

"Thanks man. We just realized we didn't have it" Kelly said as Matt walks up to us

"No problem. Jenna how you doing?" He said reaching over and hugging me

"Eh little sore but other then that I'm fine" I say poking my crutch at him

"Well we gotta go. Going to go visit lousie, only a few more days till we find out if we get him or not" gabby says while hugging me

"That's great news guys" I say smiling as Kelly looks at me

I brush off his look and get into his car as Matt and gabby retrieve to his truck

Kelly gets in and we drive back to the apartment

Kelly helps me in and gets me to bed after helping me change

We lay down and go to sleep because it's been a long day...

what goes around comes around》JAY HALSTEAD AND KELLY SEVERIDEWhere stories live. Discover now