First day

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It's the first day of school and I'm scared. Who isn't on their first day of school? New classmates, new teachers, new friends, new enemies and sometimes new bullies. Yes I've had my fair share of bullying but it died down when I got to high school.

I've never been the one to believe the 'if he hits you he likes you' crap that we were fed as kids. Yeah as kids I can understand, you develop a crush and don't know what to do so you punch or kick them playfully. But don't give me that shit when we get older. If a guy punches you punch him back unless it's a soft playful punch like after you crack a joke; Those I don't mind. Girls don't hit guys either especially if he did nothing wrong. I hate seeing people abuse each other. It's just wrong.

Anyway enough seriousness for now. Back to me and school. School is something I like but also dread because I'm not a very social person. Everyone else casually talks and makes friends whereas I'm the shy person that keeps to themselves. My doctor said it's social anxiety disorder or SAD, yeah it makes me sad alright. I want so badly to talk to people but I get so scared. Sometimes I shake and sometimes I get sick, so I just stay alone.

I get up for school reluctantly as my alarm goes off and mentally prepare myself for the day. I stare in the mirror and remind myself that I am good enough and I am worthy of life and love and happiness. I know I receive love from my family and I live my life and they try to make me happy but I never feel it inside. I see myself as a disgrace and a waste of space.

Guess that means I have depression to.....great......I frown at the thought and get my clothes and get dressed.

Once I'm dressed I head to the kitchen and get something to eat. My mom works days and my dad works nights so they cherish the few hours they have together to sleep in the mornings. I'm always up alone in the morning and evening but it doesn't bother me; I like the alone time.

I grab my stuff and get ready to leave for school. I make sure I have everything including my keys and I leave the house, making sure to lock the door behind me. I grab my phone and put on my headphones and listen happily to my music as I walk. Suddenly I'm bumped into and knocked over by a guy with pink spiky hair. He doesn't stop and doesn't look back he just keeps running.

"Jerk." I grumble and pick myself up. I'm sure he did that on purpose but oh well. I keep walking to school and finally arrive. I take off my headphones and put them in my backpack. I head to the principals office to get my class schedule and locker number along with the combination. Once I have those I leave and head to my locker. I find my locker and open it. I put some stuff in there and feel a presence behind me. I step back to close my locker only to find it close without my help. I look and see a long muscular arm against it. I turn around to see a guy with pink spiky hair. Most likely the guy from this morning.

"Hi." I say softly and sweetly

"Hi." He grumbles

"Can I help you?" I ask politely


"Then what do you want from me?" I ask curiously

"I don't like you. I don't like how you look, how you act, how you smell. Nothing." He growls

"Then just stay away from me then." I say with a shrug and try to walk off but he slams his other arm beside my head to block me in

"No. Your not getting off that easy."

"Look, I'm sure you must hate me but I don't hate you, at least not yet. So I'd appreciate it if you'd leave me alone please." I say nicely and try to move again but he gets closer to me

"How are you not intimidated by me and so nice?" He asks dryly

"I believe everyone has good in them." I reply with a smile

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