Breaking free

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"Natsu how long has this been going on?" I ask between sobs.

"Years. Remember when you saw me leave the house and I took you to the park? Remember you heard yelling? That was a mild night. Last night they both ganged up on me. When they were done and I went to my room is when I snuck out." He says sadly trying not to show emotion.

"Natsu. Don't keep it in. Let it out. You'll feel a lot better. My parents will help you, they are like me. It's where I get it from." I smile at him and he gives me a weak smile. "Oh Natsu. I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" He ask weakly

"I talked to my dad last night and he asked me if I loved you and I told him I do." Natsu looks at me wide eyed and I giggle "he said if we want to get married in the future then he will allow it as long as you treat me with the same love and respect you do now." I tell him with a big smile and his eyes get bigger and he smiles brightly. He grabs me and hugs me so tight I feel my bones crack.

"Natsu, owww.." I whimper and he lets go

"Sorry." He says sheepishly

"It's ok, I know your happy."

"You have no idea." He mumbles but I hear him

"Natsu, Y/N come here please." My mom calls sweetly. Me and Natsu get up and leave my room, we enter the living room to see the police standing there. Natsu stands there frozen and scared. I grab his hand and hold it tightly.

"Natsu honey I know this will be hard but you need to do this. I don't want to see you hurt and neither does Y/N. Just imagine the pain she'd be in if they were to go to far one day and kill you. Last night alone is evidence they are horrible." My mom says sadly and starts to cry.

The realization hit Natsu like a ton of bricks as he listened to my mom. He took a deep breath and we walked over to the cops and he told them everything that's been happening. Me and my mom started crying at some parts. What he's been through was horrible. No wonder he only knew fear, anger and pain before. I held on to him as if he would evaporate if I let go. The police took the report and sighed. They had to go arrest his parents. We requested to not have our information given out and they agreed and left.

"Mom can we stay home today please?" I ask and my mom nods.

"He's in no condition to go anyways. Stay and take care of him Y/N." She says and we both nod. "Natsu later on we will go get your stuff ok? You can stay in the room with Y/N. We trust you. Plus we know about you sneaking in to sleep with her. I appreciate you not trying anything sexual with her." My mom says with a grin making our jaws drop

"How did you know?" I breathe out in amazement

"He's not that quiet. Plus I check in you sometimes and I saw you guys. The way he holds you is so loving and the smiles on your faces as you slept together is adorable." She smiles and walks into her room. "I have to get ready to go to work. You two stay inside and stay safe. I'll inform your dad of the situation as well."

Me and Natsu looked at each other with shocked expressions. My mom closed the door to her room and we left to my room. We sat there in silence for a while and then there was a knock at my door. It opened to reveal my dad.

"Son. My wife told me what happened. Your more than welcome to stay and I'll go with you later to get your stuff. Just looking at you like this breaks my heart." My dad says with deep sadness in his voice.

"Thank you sir. I appreciate everything very much." Natsu replies

To my amazement my dad walks up and gives Natsu a big hug.

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