Change is good

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After I defeated Lucy everyone backed off of me. I still get evil glares from Lucy and Lisanna but when I glare back they back off. They know I can and will destroy them if they try anything.

It's funny when you think of it. Me, the shy girl that no one noticed is now the girlfriend of the self proclaimed king of the school. Natsu, the bad boy, bully and heartthrob of the school is now a happy go lucky guy that's even more of a heartthrob since he shows his nice and sweet side now. Now he's the good king of the school and I'm the queen.

Me and Natsu have been together a month now and things have been wonderful. He's changed so much and for the better. He's happy and laughing and he's just become a brighter person. His friends have seen this change and have started to change themselves. Now everyone knows Natsu and his friends as friends and not enemies.

Class has stayed the same and obviously the abuse and name calling has completely stopped. I hate the fact that I had to resort to violence in order for it to stop but sometimes it's a necessary measure. Sometimes soft words and a gentle touch help like with Natsu and other times you taking a stand and showing you refuse to be pushed around helps like with Lucy. It's up to you to decide what's right. But if you choose violence don't be cold about it afterwards. Always offer a kind word and a helping hand. Like what I'm about to do with Lucy.

Me and Natsu are now walking around the school during lunch. We are looking for Lucy. I had a talk about what happened and he finally agreed to let me talk to her. It took all this time for him to relax but he insisted on being with me in case she tried something.

"Thanks Natsu for letting me do this. I just feel like it's something I need to do." I tell Natsu as we are walking hand in hand around the school.

"Sure, I still don't much care for the idea but I know you'll feel better once you do it." Natsu replies with a sigh.

I know he doesn't want me to do this but I feel in my heart I need to. We walk and finally see Lucy sitting alone in the spot her and Natsu used to always be in. Seeing that made my heart sink, I felt so bad but I know things are better this way; for Natsu at least. We walk up to Lucy and she looks up sadly then groans.

"Come to rub your happiness in my face?" She says angrily

"No Lucy. I've come to apologize." I reply

"Apologize for what?" She asks with a confused tone

"For everything. I know your hurting because of me and what I did. So I wanted to tell you I'm sorry and offer my hand in friendship. I know you probably won't take it but it's there. I hold no grudge against you and I bare no bad feelings twords you. I want to help you Lucy, like I helped Natsu and you can see how much he's changed. I'm sorry for the past but I'm willing to help you make a better future. Think about it. You know how to find me when your ready." I say to Lucy with sincerity and a smile.

She looks at me confused then looks away. I can tell I struck a cord but a good one.

"I'll always be here Lucy. You might not see me as a friend but I see you as one. Let's put the past behind us and start anew. Whenever your ready I'll be ready." I tell her and turn to leave.

I start walking away and look back one more time to see her looking up at the sky like she's asking for guidance. I know she will come around sooner or later.

"I wish everyone was like you Y/N. We need more kindness in the world. Anyone else would of let her rot and let her feelings eat her alive. I could tell by the expression she had that you opened her eyes and gave her new hope." Natsu says and pulls me close to him and kisses the top of my head

His prey ✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now