Second day

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I wake up for my second day of school and dreading it more than the last.

I groan and get out of bed and get ready for school. I hate not being able to tell anyone but my experience with bullies has taught me that telling usually if not always makes it worse.

"Kill'em with kindness." I say to myself in the mirror.

I know I can get to him when he's alone. Maybe I can get him to let his guard down by letting mine down. Yeah. Maybe we can sit down and talk like normal people. I bet he's really nice and sweet once you chip away at that ugly and rigid outer layer of anger and bitterness.

With new found hope I head to school. Hoping to see him alone. I walk with my headphones on and music playing and again get bumped into by Natsu. This time he's walking. He purposely rammed into my shoulder with his.

"Wait Natsu!" I call to him in a gentle voice

"What?!" He turns and snaps at me making me freeze.

"I just wanted to talk to you. Normally. No hostility or anger." I say softly and lower my head.

"Why?" He asks with a confused tone

"Because I feel that deep down your a good person. And that's a side of you I long to see." I tell him while still looking down

"It's a side of me you'll never see because it doesn't exist." He says through gritted teeth and clenched fists.

"I don't, no I won't believe that! Everyone has a nice side! Even you!" I shout with emotion in my voice and I rush up and hug him. I don't know why but I did.

I freezes and doesn't touch me. He just holds his arms up in shock. He slowly lowers his arms and hugs me back. I can feel him relax and sigh. We stayed like that for a minute amazingly.

"Alright get off of me." He says in a soft voice but a sour tone as he pushes me off of him firmly. Not hurting me at all.

"Sorry." I say in a low voice and start walking. He walks beside me not saying anything. "I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable or upset." I say sadly.

"No." He grumbles and keeps walking

"You know you don't have to be so mean when we're alone...."

"Yes I do. I have to be mean all the time..." he growls

"But why?" I ask sincerely

"None of your business!" He snaps at me loudly making me flinch. He then rushes off to the school leaving me behind.

Ok now I know somethings up. He actually hugged me so I know for a fact he's not all bad. But he does have up one hell of a wall. Walls are meant to be knocked down.

I head to class knowing Natsu is there or going to be there. I walk in to see my seat taken. I groan and search for another seat and take it. Soon Natsu comes in, he sees me and growls.

"Out of my seat." He growls at me I look at him and sigh and just move.

I'd rather avoid conflict right now. I look around and don't see another seat. The teacher comes in and sees my predicament and sighs.

"Sorry Y/N. I don't have another seat for you." The teacher says sadly

"She can sit with me." Natsu says with a smug grin

"Thanks But I'd rather not." I say with a smile

"Well your options are take his offer or sit on the floor or leave to the office. I'll provide a note if you decide to leave."

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