The weeks go on

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You go through the rest of your hospital stay in silence. Only speaking when you need to. People try to ask what's wrong but you don't reply. If you speak of it you'll cry again and you don't want that.

You get to go home after a few days but you have to keep the casts on for a few weeks. Your mom takes the time off of work to stay with you. The weeks go by so slowly they feel like months. Even after the casts are off you decide to stay out of school for a additional week.

Not once did Natsu come by. Not even to your window. This makes you extremely sad.

It's been 5 weeks now since the incident. You don't know who they were but you remember their faces. They were in Natsu's group that beat you up that first day. No doubt his fangirls.

You have no friends at school so you have nothing to look forward to. In fact your seriously considering asking to be home schooled from now on but you know you can't do that.

You reluctantly get up and head to school on a Monday. You walk by Natsu's house and sigh. Every part of you wants to stop and wait to see him but you know you shouldn't. You just keep walking. You hear footsteps behind you and you move to the side and stop to allow them to pass. You know it's Natsu. Sure enough he passes by with his head down. Seeing him like that breaks your heart but you know it's what he wants.

You go through the day fine until lunch when you see Natsu. You see him walking with his arm around a blonde girl. It takes you a minute but you remember her and you feel anger but also fear.

She is his girlfriend?! He doesn't look happy at all, he looks miserable. You decide to follow them silently and they get to a private spot and she just talks to him. He tries to show her affection but gets slapped. He tries to hug her but she kicks him away.

Now I understand. He's so angry all the time because no one shows him love. He comes back to her again and she slaps him again.

Enough is enough. You storm over there and punch her dead in the face. You punch her over and over and you blank out.

You wake up restrained in the nurses office. You look around and see Natsu.

"Natsu." You whisper

"Why Y/N? Why'd you attack Lucy?" Natsu asks flatly without looking at you

"Because I saw how she was treating you and I couldn't stand it! You deserve love Natsu! Not abuse!" You yell and Natsu snaps his head quickly in your direction to look at you.

"You can't tell me what I need." He growls.

"Natsu. Everyone deserves love. You definitely deserve love. And she can't and won't give it to you!"

"How do you know that? How do you know I don't deserve the punishment she gives me. Heck how do you know I don't like it!" He shouts at me

"Because if you liked it you wouldn't be so mad all the time and no one and I mean no one deserves to be abused. EVER!"

He looks at you with sadness in his eyes.

"Natsu. You might not believe me but I hope you do. You should know I'm honest with you." You start and look into his eyes "Natsu she's the one that pushed me off the roof. She told me to stay away from you and pushed me off."

Natsu's eyes couldn't of gotten any bigger.

"But she wouldn't. She's abusive but. I can't believe. How do I know your not lying?!"

"Natsu why would I lie about something like that?!" You yell and start crying. "I have nothing to gain from this. I just want to be happy and I want you happy. Heck I want to be happy with you but that won't happen." You say now crying more.

His prey ✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now