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With Natsu now officially moved in things have gotten better. We are more relaxed now and feel more free. My parents allow him to sleep in my bed because they know he won't do anything to me since he's been sleeping with me practically since we met. They know our relationship is helping our grades because we support and encourage each other as well so they have absolutely no issues with us and just let us be.

Natsu is already way happier after just the first night. He was so happy being able to just hop in the bed with me as carefree as you can imagine. I can tell I'm going to love having him here. He cuddled up with me so happy I felt he was going to burst. You could just feel the happiness and love coming from him. It made me feel so happy and so content.

Time skip
Natsu has been with me a month now. His parents relinquished all rights to him so my parents basically adopted him but since he was 17 they didn't make it legal but it's on the court papers that he's in their care.

Lucy has since come to me and apologized and has decided to accept me as a friend. Natsu was skeptical at first but has relaxed. Lucy has slowly started to change just like Natsu. She's become happy and really fun to be around. Lucy tried to convince Lisanna to join but she declined. I could tell she was scared. I told her the same thing I did to Lucy and she seemed to realize I was genuine. She just barely approached me yesterday saying she's willing to give it a try.

Natsu has decided to run for Vice President of the student body. Erza was so happy to hear he was running. She gives him full support and he's a shoe in to win considering his popularity and reputation.

Time skip again just cause
Natsu won and is now student body Vice President. Him and Erza as a team has snapped people into reality. They have started a anti-bullying campaign and it has been a success! They have done pep rally's and speeches. Natsu using himself as a example of what showing each other kindness can do. It's been amazing to see people change for the better.

Today there was a presentation in the cafeteria about bullying and Erza and Natsu were on stage. Hearing them talk and give people hope and inspiration was truly moving.

"The minute you think about giving up, I want you to think about the reason you held on for so long. Think about that reason and hold on to it. Maybe you have hope of finding happiness, or maybe you hope to find your true love and never let them go. Maybe you want to make a difference in this world and help others. Whatever the reason is hold on to it and live for it. Make it your inspiration." Natsu speaks clearly and confidently and the crowd cheers loudly as he bows and walks off the stage.

I think Natsu has found his calling.

After the presentation I rush to him. "Natsu! You were amazing!" I shout and hug him tightly

"You think so?" He chuckles and hugs me back

"Yes! I think you should be a motivational speaker or something, maybe even President! Imagine all the good you could do!" I squeal

"Hold on!" He laughs "to much to soon! Let's just focus on helping our classmates first ok?"

"Ok. But think about it!" I shout and put a finger in his face making him laugh.

"Yes mom." He teases

"Don't sass me young man!" I try to shout but end up laughing as does he.

"Let's go. We still have classes." He finally says and puts his arm around me as we leave.

We make it through our classes and to the end of the day. A lot of kids were stopping Natsu after school ended to tell him that they loved his speech or he was really inspirational to them and all that good stuff. We both just smiled and talked to the kids. It took a good hour before we could finally go home.

His prey ✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now