Prom and Graduation

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It's now the end of the school year. Prom is coming up tonight and of course me and Natsu are going together. My mom is helping me with my dress and my dad is helping Natsu with his suit. They rented us a limo and actually agreed to let us stay at the after party at a hotel! I couldn't be more excited and nervous as well.

"Hold still honey! I know your excited but goodness!" My mom yells as she tries to do my makeup. She's already Done my hair.

"Sorry mom." I mumble and try my best to hold still

I stay still as best I can as she finishes. "There!" She says happily and moves so I can see myself.

She's done a amazing job and I must say i look pretty amazing.

"Thanks mom!" I shout and hug her tightly.

"No problem sweetie. Now I'll see if Natsu is ready and announce that you are." She says and leaves the room.

My heart starts pounding from nervousness and I start fidgeting with my purse and wait anxiously. My mom soon opens the door and nods. It's time. I slowly leave my room and make my way to the living room where Natsu is waiting and my dad is taking a million pictures. I look at Natsu as he gets the biggest smile I've ever seen. I look at him and smile just as big as I see him looking absolutely amazing in a suit.

"You look beautiful." He says softly and grabs my hand and kisses it making me blush

"You look very handsome as well." I tell him and wrap my arm around his.

"The limo is waiting. You two go have fun and stay safe! In every way!" My mom says and giggles.

"Mom!" I growl and she just laughs.

Me and Natsu head to the limo and get in. He holds my hand the whole way and plays with my ring. I grab his hand and lift it up over my head and rest it on my shoulders as I lean my head gently on his shoulder. He sighs and hugs me tightly as we arrive.

Prom is being held at a huge hotel and the after party will be here as well but in a different room.
We enter and are greeted by all our friends, all have dates. Gray is with Juvia, Erza is with Jellal, Lucy is with some guy named Loke, Gajeel is with Levy and Lisanna is with some big dude named bixlow.

We all head to the dance floor and have a blast. All different songs are playing and everyone is laughing and enjoying themselves. We take a break and grab some snacks after a while and sit down with our friends.

"Having fun?" I ask slightly out of breath from dancing

"Heck yeah, this is amazing!" Gray shouts

"I am having fun as well." Erza says with dignity as she sips her drink

"Erza it's prom not a business party. Loosen up." I giggle and she blushes a bit

"I see you and Natsu are having fun." Gajeel smirks

"Obviously." I giggle "he's actually a good dancer." I smile and poke Natsu who blushes a bit

"Just wait for the slow songs." Lucy chimes in "those are the best."

I blush at the thought and go back to munching my snacks. Once I finished Natsu pulls me back onto the dance floor making me squeal and giggle and causing everyone to laugh at us. We dance and laugh and just have a great time, not caring about anything but each other and the music.

The music suddenly changed. Slow songs. I blush as Natsu takes my hand and pulls me close and looks deep into my eyes.

"Natsu. I've never slow danced before..." I whisper shyly as he sways my hips

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