Finally happy

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It's Christmas time and school is about to let out. Me and Natsu are sitting together in class cuddled up as usual. Mostly because I'm freezing my butt off but this guy is a freaking heater. I swear I won't let him go unless I need to, he's always warm and I've never seen him shiver not once! Whereas me I'm shaking like a leaf this time of year.

Halloween was fun by the way. Me and Natsu gave out candy to the trick or treaters and had a blast scaring them. He dressed up as a demon and dragon hybrid thingy that scared the pants off of everyone, including the parents. It was hilarious and we had so much fun.

Thanksgiving was....interesting. Natsu has never seen so much food in his life and keeping him from devouring it was nearly impossible. The only thing I could do was sit on his lap and whenever his attention went to food I had to kiss him to distract him. It worked but barely, when it was time to eat he jumped up with me in his arms making me scream/squeal and making my parents laugh. Know how there's usually left overs? Not with Natsu. He ate almost everything except for a pie and a cake. My parents were surprised but laughed. It just meant more room in the fridge and no leftovers to worry about. Natsu was so full afterwards I had to practically roll him to my room because he had to sleep it off.

Now I'm giggling as the bell rang and Natsu just shook his head. He knew now that random giggling meant I was thinking about something funny.

"What's floating through your brain today Y/N?" Natsu asks with a chuckle

"Thinking about Halloween and thanksgiving. Spending them with you was amazing and funny!" I tell him while throwing my hands in the air and laughing.

He starts laughing automatically at the memories. "Oh yeah! My costume scared the pants off of everyone! I'm totally doing that again next year!" He has to stop walking because he's laughing so much and he leans against the wall for support.

"Thanksgiving was just as good! You ate so much you gave us the literal definition of a food coma!" I yell while doubling over in laughter.

"Hey the food was amazing ok?!" He shouts while still laughing. "I've never eaten so good in my life and I savored the moment. That day was amazing!"

"Just wait till Christmas then! Just as much food but presents too!" I shout and lean on the wall next to him but still look at him. His expression held pure joy and excitement like a kid that's been told he has a shopping spree in a toy store.

"Presents? Wait then I have to get you a present!" His face went to shock and he started rushing out the school

"Natsu wait!" I yell and chase after him. I have to run at full speed and I have to grab him by the back of his pants to get him to stop. He turns and looks at me with a grin.

"If you want to rip my pants off at least don't do it in public." He snickers at me making me blush

"It's not like that and you know it!" I yell and let go of his pants and turn away. He stands right next to me with a smirk on his face and I just keep blushing.

"Natsu. What were the holidays like before?" I ask softly and I see him tense up.

"What holidays? We didn't celebrate anything." He says sadly "Nothing. No holidays at all and no birthdays. Every day was just a normal day. Nothing to look forward to at all." The emotion in his voice was intense, so I hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry Natsu. I was just wondering why you didn't know about presents at Christmas." I say sadly and sheepishly

"It's ok. Don't worry about it. Now come on I have to figure out what to get you for Christmas." He says with a smile on his face like nothing happened. He takes my hand and we rush home.

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