Day three

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I wake up with new hope and Natsu next to me.

Wait what?!

I look again and rub my eyes. He's still there.

I touch him and he's real. And he's holding me.

"Natsu!" I whisper yell and poke at him. "Natsu get up!" I whisper yell again and push him.

He opens his eyes angrily and glares at me.

"Natsu you have to go. Please!" I beg him and he gets up quickly and leaves angrily without a word.

I breathe a sigh of relief and sadness. I don't want him in trouble and I don't want to be killed for having him in my room. Looks like he took the offer a little to literally to come when he needs me.

I hurry and get dressed and head to school. I walk slowly past Natsu's house and sure enough I see him leave but he slams the door closed and walks angrily.

"Natsu." I say softly and he glares at me. "Natsu I'm sorry about this morning I just don't want us in trouble."

"Whatever." He grumbles and walks ahead of me.

"Natsu wait. Please."

He just keeps walking.

"Natsu!" I shout a bit and rush him. I grab him and hug him tightly but he shoves me off making me fall to the ground and he runs ahead.

"Natsu..." I sniffle and slowly get up. "I'm sorry." I whisper and wipe tears from my eyes.

I walk to school and into my class. I see a extra seat in the back and head to it. I sit there quietly and watch as people slowly file in. I see Natsu but he just glares at me. I sigh and look down at my desk. Class goes by slowly and I just sit there feeling bad. When class ends I walk out after everyone else like normal only to get rammed into the lockers by Natsu.

He leans in and whispers "your still my prey." And walks off.

I sigh sadly and head to my next class. On the way I get shoved by a bunch of people and knocked into the lockers. I didn't do or say anything. I was to sad to care.

Next class transition I get my backpack taken by Natsu and thrown down the hall only to have it kicked around. He laughs along with his friend but I just look at him sadly with tears forming. He sees this and quickly looks away. I walk slowly to my backpack and grab it and head to class.

At lunch I don't even bother to eat. I've lost my appetite. I see Natsu but he doesn't give me the time of day. He just hangs with his friends.

The rest of my class transitions are laced with pushes and shoves as well as name calling. I heard "bitch, slut, hoe, skank," you name it and I was called it. For absolutely no reason other than they were told to.

Last class of the day and I'm seated by Natsu. I lay my head on the desk not looking at him. I feel so defeated it's not even funny. I feel drained and weak and completely helpless. He rests his arm on my chair and I say nothing. He puts his fingers on my arm and holds it and I do nothing. I'm just there dealing with it as well as the sadness I feel.

Why is he making me so sad? He's been Nothing but mean to me except for last night. That's when he showed me he has a heart. But now it's like it's been ripped from him yet again. Natsu who's making you like this?

I think to myself and find myself starting to cry. I quickly wipe my eyes so no one sees and act like nothings wrong.

After class I get stopped by Natsu.

"Care to tell me why you were crying?" He asks with hostility in his voice. I just shake my head no and try to escape. He grabs my hand and holds it tightly. "Tell me." He says firmly and angrily

His prey ✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now