Breaking up is hard to do

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Natsu came over every day to check on you and every night to cuddle with you. Your week off was so boring but Natsu made it better. He came by every day after school and stayed with you until your mom told him to leave. Then he'd sneak in, in the middle of the night and cuddle with you all night.

"Y/N School is Tomorrow. Lucy should be back and I'm ready to face her and break up with her." Natsu whispers from beside you.

"I know Natsu. I'm honestly eager for it. I can't wait to be able to call you my boyfriend." You smile

"Your really ready to call me that?"

"Of course. I want to be able to show you and everyone else how much I care about you." You say softly and roll over to face him. "We May have started off badly but I've grown to care about you. Maybe even love you but I'm not sure yet. I just know that I really do like you a lot." You kiss Natsu on the forehead and he looks at you and smiles. You kiss him gently on the lips and wrap your arms around him, him doing the same in return. You both fall asleep quickly wrapped in each other's warmth.

The next morning you wake up cuddled up to Natsu again. The familiar feeling is becoming more and more comforting. Despite the horrible past you guys have you've grown to trust and maybe even love him; well his good side at least.

"Natsu. Wake up. You gotta go." You whisper in his ear and kiss his cheek making him wake up.

"You missed." He says with a mischievous grin

"Huh?" You ask slightly confused

"You missed. You kissed the wrong spot." He turns to you and smiles

"Oh. Sorry." You smile back and kiss his lips gently

"That's much better." He smiles brightly when you pull away. You giggle at his happy behavior but watch sadly as he leaves out the window. "I'll see you in a bit." He whispers and smiles at you before leaving.

You get out of bed with a smile on your face. It's hard to believe he can be so mean. It just doesn't suit him. This happy, cheerful and smiling side I'm seeing is more like him. The mean, rude, disrespectful and abusive side he was showing is nothing more than the product of what he's been taught and experienced.

You get ready for the day and decide to grab some muffins and water and head out to meet Natsu. As soon as you get outside you see him walking up. He smiles at you as you walk up and present him a muffin and water.

"For me? Really?" He asks in disbelief

"Yes really. I hardly see you eat. Take it." You smile and push it into his hands.

"Thanks!" He says excitedly and eats the muffin in 2 bites and chugs the water down just as quick.

"Damn! Did you even taste it??" You ask in amazement

"Yeah. Blueberry. It was amazing!" He chuckles as you guys start walking

"Well slow down a bit next time. Ok?" You giggle at him

"Alright. I'll try." He says with a big smile.

"I love that smile. It suits you so much better than the mean and evil looks you had before."

"Well you helped me remember how to smile so I'll be sure you see it as much as possible." Natsu says as he drapes a arm over you as you both walk.

You've been munching on your muffin the whole time until you get to school. You look at the school then the muffin and hand it to Natsu who happily eats it quickly.

"At least I know food won't go to waste with you around." You giggle.

He smiles and you both walk to class with his arm still draped over you. You both earn stares and rude remarks but you ignore them. Natsu on the other hand is glaring at everyone and growling. You place a hand on his chest and feel the vibrations from his growling.

His prey ✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now