Chapter 7

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   "Alannah!" I heard Sora, Donald, Goofy and Rey all call my name at once. Though, I didn't want to see Sora, at least not now. I didn't want to admit that I was wrong about Axel, but I guess I would have to eventually.

   Axel slept so innocently with his head rested in my lap. I wanted to make him feel as comfortable as possible, so I rubbed his hair with my hand and hummed the song that my mother sang for me when I fell asleep as a child. Even though my legs fell asleep after being in that position for so long, I didn't want to wake him. That moment with Axel reminded me of him-my first love.

   I wasn't always alone in that castle. A year or so after my mother passed, he found the castle deep within Kingdom Hearts, and he found me too.

   The others continued to call for me, but they received no response.
   "Are you not going to answer them?" Axel asked in a soft but tired tone.
   "I will, eventually." I completely spaced out as I continued to rub his hair. "Your hair soft."
   "Thanks?" He finally sat up, though, I stayed lost in thought. "You ok?"
   "Yes. I just hate admitting that I'm wrong." Axel laughed.
   "You're one of those girls?"
   "Is that a problem?" I placed my hands on my hips and jeered. Axel's laugh turned into a light and inviting smile.
   "No problem. You're fiery, and I like that." Okay, I see what he did there.

   "Hey, Axel?"
   "Why are you betraying Organization 13? I mean, why protect me when you don't even know me?"
   "Well...actually I want to help Roxas."
   "Oh. Who's that?" Axel dropped his head in sadness.
   "He was my best friend." I felt so bad. I know what it's like to lose someone you love.
   "I'm so sorry, Axel. What happened?" He looked up, but he didn't necessarily look at me.
   "It's a long story." He stared off to the side of me like he was completely lost in his memories of Roxas.
   "We don't have to talk about it."

   Sora suddenly came running through the entrance of the small cave.
   "Alann-," he stopped running because he realized I was with Axel, "oh! Look who decided to come around." My eyebrow twitched in frustration at his comment.
   "You were right, okay?" He laughed at my anger and walked over to me.
   "C'mon." He reached out his hand and I grabbed it to pull myself up. He did the same for Axel.
   "I got it." Axel instead stood up on his own. "I'll catch you two some other time." Axel turned around and created his own portal. Before he left, he decided to take one last glance at Sora. Then he disappeared along with the portal.

   "I'm sorry I got so angry at you."
   "It's okay. I get it. You've been through a lot lately, and Organization 13 has been the main contributor to your pain." He looked me with intensity. "I should have realized that earlier." We stared at each other for a while before Donald, Goofy and Rey came running into the cave.
   "Alannah! Yer' okay!" Goofy shouted as they all ran to Sora and I.

   On the last night of Ahch To, I decided to watch the moon and stars twinkle over the sea for the last time. All I heard was the sound of the waves hitting the rocks, but that beautiful sound was suddenly interrupted by an unfamiliar voice.
   "Queen Alannah, you are?" I quickly turned around, as the voice startled me. Behind me stood a small, green creature with long ears and baggy clothing. The rough skin appeared to be wrinkled, and it had small, wire-like hair around the ears and the top of its head. Though, I proved able to make out the fine details, but the creature's presence seemed ghostly. Like it seemed to be present in spirit, but not actually there.
   "Yes, that's me. And who are you?"
   "Master Yoda, I am, and something for your friend, Sora, I have."
   "Okay. What do you have?" Master Yoda held out his three-fingered hand and revealed to me a keychain. The keychain contained a symbol on it that consisted of a white and black mask with two light sabers crossed over it.
   "To Sora you give 'The Burning Light', as for me, I go." Yoda's spirit vanished, and I stared at the keychain.
   "So this keychain transforms the Keyblade into 'The Burning Light'."

   The next morning, Sora, Donald and Goofy prepared the Gummi Ship for takeoff. Rey helped with the preparations.
   "Sora!" I shouted from across the beach to catch his attention. He looked at me and I ran to him. I reached him and I breathed heavily from the run. "Here." I showed him the keychain.
   "A keychain? Where did you get this?"
   "Master Yoda gave it to me, and he told me to give it to you." The Keyblade suddenly appeared in his hand, and the keychain reacted. The Kayblade engulfed in a bright light that almost blinded all of us. The blazing light settled down, and we all looked at the transformed Keyblade. The hilt turned to a sparkling silver, and its shape turned into that of falcon wings. The blade itself became a light that buzzed, and the end of it modeled an actual key.

   Rey's bag shook as Luke's light saber flew out of it. What looked like a crown formed under Sora's feet. He extended his arms with the Keyblade out in front of him, and the light saber formed a keyhole. A slim light moved from the tip of the Keyblade to the middle of the keyhole, and the keyhole dissipated into a million sparkles.

   Sora winked and gave me a thumbs up.
   "All sealed up."
   "She won't be for long." Donald murmured. Rey turned to all of us and smiled.
   "Thank you for everything, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Alannah." Sora gave her a wide and toothy smile.
   "No problem."

   We all sat inside the Gummi Ship as it prepared to blast off. The running of the engine slightly shook the entire ship. Just before taking off, we waved to Rey and Luke through the wide window at the front of the ship. Fire from the engine shot out from behind the ship, and it instantly took off.

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