Chapter 13

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   "Please let me go with you."
   "No, Kairi. It's too dangerous." Sora demanded. I loved how he showed concern for her. Yes, he insisted on making her stay, but he just wanted her to be safe.
   "Fine." She grunted in frustration.
   "We'll be on our way then. Beast, take care of them." Sora gestured to Belle and Kairi.
    "Will do."

   Donald, Goofy and I made our way into the Gummi Ship as we prepared to head for Twilight Town. Though, Kairi stopped Sora just in front of the door. She grabbed his right hand with her left, and he turned around.
   "Kairi. I can't let you go, okay? I'm sorry, but.."
   "Just be careful, Sora. That's all I wanted to say."
   "Oh." She wrapped her arms around him as she moved in closer for a hug. He placed his forehead on the top of her head and both of his hands on her back. "I will. And I promise, Kairi, I will come back for you."
   "I know."

   Sora finally made it inside the ship.
   "You ready to go?" I asked him as he sat in front of the control system.
   "Takeoff time!" Dale squeaked over the intercom.

   I felt the ship slowly rise from under our feet. Before long, we zoomed up into the night sky, appearing as a shooting star in the far distance.

   The ride seemed just as psychotic as the  ones that came before it. Heartless surrounded us and appeared around every corner, numerous pieces of meteors constantly fell in our path, and laser beams from Heartless and the Gummi Ship flew aimlessly around us. I continuously slid from left to right in my seat as the ship shifted to avoid the Heartless.
   "Look!" Chip shouted. "It's Twilight Town!"
   "Something seems different about it." Dale responded. He proved to be right about that. I mean, I had never seen Twilight Town before, but it seemed as if the town glitched. It looked blurry, and it endlessly twitched.
   "Yeah, let's see what's going on." Sora sped up the Gummi Ship toward Twilight Town.

   I couldn't believe how alluring Twilight Town was. The sun brilliantly lit up the sky with a scarlet glow as the colossal clock tower appeared as a silhouette before it.
   "Wow. This place is so beautiful." I gazed at the sun in awe. However, my moment with nature was abruptly interrupted.
   "You's really not good for your eyes to stare at the sun like that." I glanced to my left only to see a boy. He had blonde hair that stuck up, and brown eyes that seemed strangely luring.
   "Hey, Hayner." Sora waved to him.
   "You know him, Sora?"
   "We all know him." Goofy informed me. Hayner walked over to me and held out his hand.
   "What's your name?"
   "Alannah." I stared at his hand.
   "Uh, do you not want to shake my hand?"
   "Quite the contrary." Donald waddled over to us. "You don't want to shake her hand."
   "Why?" He asked.
   "Because it's sticky." I couldn't believe he just said that. I grabbed him and gave him a hard noogie. "Ack! Put me down!"
   "Hey, Sora!" A girl with brunette hair and a short, rather, chubby boy ran over to greet us.
   "Oh. Hey, Pence and Olette."
   "What are you doing here?" The girl asked.
   "We're just here to investigate. We noticed something about Twilight Town, and we're worried that something is dangerous."
   "Sounds like you guys are in a rush." Pence observed.
   "Yeah, kinda."
   "I think we can help you."
   "Really? How, Hayner?" Goofy asked.
   "Just follow me."

   Hayner, Pence and Olette led us to an ominous mansion.
   "A mansion?" Sora peered at the large and mysterious house with confusion.
   "Yeah, if you're looking for something unusual, this is the place to be." Hayner explained to him.
   "Alright, we'll check it out then." Sora assured him. Though, the conversation was unexpectedly cut short by the appearance of odd, white creatures. They moved in a way that made them look as if they performed a dance, swaying from side to side. Sora convoked the Keyblade and prepared for a fight. Though, our confrontation proved to be interrupted by the appearance of yet another Organization member. However, we couldn't see what he looked like, for his hood casted a dark shadow that only revealed the outline of his face. The man commenced an interrogation.
   "Have you seen a man named Axel?"
   "Why do you care?" Sora barked.
   "He's no longer acting in the Organization's best interest. He will stop at nothing to turn you into a heartless."
   "Gee. Thanks for looking out for us, but we can take care of ourselves." Sora remarked sarcastically.
   "I'm glad to hear you say that. It would break our hearts if something were to happen to you."
   "You don't have hearts." Donald quacked angrily as he stomped his foot.
   "No, but we remember what it was like. That's what makes us special." The man uncovered his face by removing his hood. He had long, sky blue hair and flaring orange eyes. In between those eyes, he displayed an x-shaped scar. The usual dark portal appeared behind him. "Don't do anything reckless. You don't want to end up like Riku."
   "Riku?" Sora and I shouted together.
   "What happened to him?" I screamed. "Tell me!"
   "I'm sure you will find out soon enough, your Majesty." He turned around and disappeared through his portal as the white creatures around us vanished at the same time. However, I let my stupidity get the better of me, as I ran through the portal after him.
   "Alannah! Stop!" Sora shouted as he tried to run in after me, but the portal disappeared before he could do so. "No! Dammit!" He shouted dramatically as he clenched his teeth in anger and threw the Keyblade to the ground. "Why the hell did she do that?"
   "Sora, calm down." Olette insisted.
   "No! You don't understand! This is exactly what Organization 13 wanted!" He screamed at her. Hayner trudged over to Sora, grabbed his shirt and slammed him against the brick wall attached to the gate of the mansion.
   "Don't you ever scream at her like that again. You need to calm the hell down. Use your damn head, Sora." The tension between them drastically arose as they glared at each other.
   "Hayner," Olette softly placed her hand on his shoulder, "put him down. It's okay." Hayner abruptly released Sora as they continued to give each other dirty looks.
   "Get your act together." Hayner scowled as he turned around and walked away angrily. Pence followed him.
   "I'm so sorry, Sora." Olette spoke sympathetically. She ran after Hayner and Pence.

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