Chapter 15

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   "I'm sorry you have to see me like this, Alannah." I nearly sprinted, and I hugged him from behind. My face planted into his back.
   "I was so worried about you." I couldn't hold back my tears and sniffles as I felt his hands gently touch mine.
   "I promise, when all of this is over, we can be together forever. I won't ever leave you again."
   "I promise too, Riku."
   "Aww, isn't that sweet?" Xigbar yelled sarcastically. "You two will die together." He laughed as he pulled apart his sniper rifle and divided it into two ray guns. He pointed both of them at us and shot, though the two Keyblades flew out in front of us and easily deflected the racing beams.
   "Oathkeeper and Oblivion." Riku stated with a small amount of surprise in his voice. I looked at him as I appeared to be a little confused.
   "Those Keyblades." He pointed. "The black one is Oblivion, and the silver one is Oathkeeper."
   "Oh. Yes, in fact, I was never alone, even before you got here."
   "That's good." He smiled.

   Riku turned to glare at Xigbar and Saïx.
   "Let's get rid of these assholes. You finish what you started, I'll take sniper boy."
   "Got it." Riku charged Xigbar as his sword collided with his two ray guns, while I blitzed Saïx with unending Keyblade combos.

   Saïx and I switched back and forth between who was assaulting who. He slammed the floor with his claymore and giant blue flames, and I avoided only to go at him with the Keyblades once again. I finally decided that close range appeared to be too difficult to accomplish against him, so I chose to go about it in a 'special' way. Oathkeeper and Oblivion floated closer to my hands as I grabbed them by the handles, and joined them in front of me. My eyes stared down the blades that pointed at Saïx. Arrow-shaped magic bullets shot out from both Keyblades. Saïx attempted to avoid the rapid bullets, but they followed him and he couldn't out speed them. Saïx fell to the floor and I quickly rushed to finish him with Oathkeeper and Oblivion levitating by my side once again. I prepared to attack him one last time, but before I could command the Keyblades to attack, I felt a sudden, dramatic beat of my heart.

   Oathkeeper and Oblivion dissolved into a million light particles, and my dress returned to its original sparkly white. It happened so suddenly, so in that moment, I lowered my defenses, and opened myself up. I saw the claymore barreling for me in the corner of my eye, but all that adrenaline made me so tired, and I couldn't move. However, the claymore appeared to suddenly be on the other side of the hall, as Riku's blade knocked it clean out of Saïx' hand. Riku finished him with a furious slice to the chest.

   I looked to my right, only to see Xigbar fading away, just like Saïx. Though, Saïx chose to speak his last words.
   "You won't win, Alannah." He chuckled. "You won't." His words almost felt poetic. Like they had some kind of meaning to them, but I couldn't quite figure out their clarity.

   "Kairi!" I remembered Kairi being stuck in that cage, and I turned around to look for her, but she appeared to be gone. "Oh, shit." I ran over to the floating cell area and looked inside with my hands resting on the bars. "Seriously?" I was able to slip through the bars due to my small size. "She could have totally stepped out of here."
   "I doubt it would've been that easy. Saïx probably had some kind of barrier on it."
   "That makes sense." Riku held up his hand for me and I stepped out.

   Riku suddenly displayed a worried look on his face.
   "Are you ok?"
   "We have to hurry."
   "For what? What's wrong?" He grabbed my hand and we both raced quickly down the hallway.

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