Chapter 2

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   I woke up the next morning, and I felt something...strange. I looked down at my chest, and Sora's hand was on my boob. I came to life as I turned around and smacked the shit out of him. He shot up immediately.
   "Ooww! What was that for?!"
   "You perv! You had your hand on my boob." Not that I didn't like it, I just had to act like I didn't.
   "I'm sorry." He held his hands up in front of him as he was sweating bullets.
   "It's ok, just don't do it again." Please do it again. Donald abruptly came through the door, screaming.
   "C'mon, Sora! We have to go to the next world!"
   "Okay!" Sora stood up, and walked to the door.
   "Wait!" I shouted as I stood up and walked over to Sora. "You can't just leave me here. You have to take me with you."
   "But..your wound, it's not fully healed. It will slow you down."
   "What are you saying? That I'm dead weight?"
   "No.." He turned his back to me.
   "Sora, I promise I'll be useful. Let me prove it."
   "Don't you get it?!" He turned around and he looked almost..angry. "I'm not worried about whether you're useful to me or not! I don't want you to get hurt." He was so close to my face, and I wanted to say something back, but I simply didn't know what to say. We suddenly heard the door open a little bit, and Goofy peeked his head in.
   "Sora, can I say something?"
   "Yeah.." He stood straight up again, and he was no longer in my face.
   "We should probably take her with us. Organization 13 can pop up anywhere, and at any time. If they show up here, gawrsh, we might not be here to protect her."
   "Yeah, I guess you're right." Thank you, Goofy. "Let's go to the gummi ship."
   "Roger!" Goofy adorably saluted to Sora, and left the room. Sora turned around and held out his hand to me.
   "Your Majesty." I smiled and grabbed his hand.

   I was confused when we walked outside and Donald and Goofy were standing on a weird circle of light. The light was a pale green, and it shined brighter as soon as someone new stepped on it.
   "What is that?" I asked Sora.
   "That, m'lady, is how we get to the gummi ship." Oh, I see. I'm assuming the light teleports us to it. But, seriously, what the hell is a gummi ship?
   "Oh, okay." Sora looked at me and motioned to the light.
   "After you." I stepped into the light, and Sora stepped in just after me.
   "Wait!" Mulan shouted as she came running up to the light. "Your Majesty, I fixed up your dress for you. I figured you didn't want to be in that robe all the time."
   "Oh wow! Thank you so much, Mulan!" My dress looked as good as new, and I was so excited about it.
   "Goodbye Sora, Donald, and Goofy. Come back anytime."
   "We will." We all smiled and waved to her as the light built up around us. We were teleporting through the light, and it felt all too familiar.
   "Your Majesty?"
   "Yes, Goofy?" I turned around to look at him.
   "What's your name?"
   "You fool!" Donald shouted as he smacked Goofy on the top of the head with his staff. I giggled.
   "No, it's ok. I'm glad you asked. Just call me Alannah. Don't worry about the queen stuff, ok?" Suddenly the light disappeared and revealed the gummi ship. It was the funkiest thing I've ever seen. It was blocky and colorful, but it was playful and I loved looking at it. I had to smile.

   There was a door on the side of the ship, and it quickly opened as soon as we walked up to it. Though, it surprised me because it was well hidden in the vibrant colors of the ship. Just inside the door was a staircase, and we all went inside. We made it to the top of the stairs, and the door automatically closed on its own. I looked at my dress, and I couldn't contain my excitement. I really wanted to put it on.
   "Sora," I whispered to him, and he looked at me, "is there any where I can change privately?"
   "Um," he turned his head to look at Donald and Goofy, then he looked back at me, "yes. Follow me." We walked down the fairly short hallway, and there was a door at the end of it. He opened the door, and it was a storage room for the ship. "It's nothing fancy, but it is private."
   "Yes, it's perfect. Thank you." I smiled at him, and made my way into the storage room.

   I finished changing into my dress and I opened the door, Sora was still out there. He looked at me, and smiled.
   "That's pretty."
   "Thank you." I smiled back at him.

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