Chapter 12

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   Sora's head dropped and his hair casted a shadow over his face. His body shook with anger and despair.
   "Sora?" I called to him softly. Though I suddenly noticed his body being shrouded in a dark aura, and his skin peeled away, displaying what made him look like a shadow. He finally looked up, and his eyes shone a sinister yellow.

   His movement speed increased drastically, for he basically disappeared and reappeared behind Xaldin. His face reeked with the element of surprise as Sora kicked him hard into the brick floor of the bridge. Dust instantly flew up as Xaldin landed, also creating a crater of cracked bricks. His dismay released the magical seal on the doorway.

   I rushed over to Kairi, untied the ropes and set her free. I grabbed her wrist and we ran for the courtyard, but she promptly stopped and turned her head to look upon the anti Sora.
   "I can't leave him. I have to help." I understood that, and I figured that was something she wanted to accomplish on her own.
   "Go, he needs you." I smiled at her, and she smiled back.

   Sora relentlessly abused Xaldin. He never let up, as his continuous onslaught weakened Xaldin by the second.
   "Sora!" Kairi cried out to him. He terminated his assault, and he rushed over to her immediately. His face moved so close to hers as his barbaric yellow eyes beamed into her soul. Though she wasn't afraid.

   Xaldin took that time he had to escape. He shakily stood up and stumbled as he created his dark portal out of nothing. He glanced back at me with a smirk on his face before he disappeared. The appearance of his face read 'I'll be back for you,' but in the worst way possible.

   "Sora, it's me, Kairi. I've waited so long to see you again." She assured him as she gently placed her hand on his cheek. He continued to glare at her, but she didn't give up. "Please come back to me, Sora." She suddenly hugged him.

   Sora's dark aura died down, and the darkness that covered his skin decorticated. Kairi didn't realize this at first, for when she hugged him, she squeezed her eyes shut.

   Both of his hands touched her back, and she instantaneously opened her eyes to look at him.
   "Sora." She cheered.
   "Hey, Kairi." He smiled softly.

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