What is a GaLe?

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Gajeel P.O.V.

I'm a liar. I'm am messing with her head and using her to my advantage and....I enjoy it. When Levy suggested the whole 'friends with benefits' and I said I didn't have a crush on her...... That was a lie. Since the first day I found out girls didn't have cooties I realized how beautiful Levy was. She was feisty yet sweet. She could make anyone love her by just a smile. Although I call her 'shorty' and 'shrimp' I adore her smallness, it's one of the best physical things about her (next was her rocking ass). I know this sounds nothing like me to admit to something like this but (unfortunately) it was true.
After school I was killing some time before Levy got here, so I decided to play some shooting game that Natsu bought. I don't play video games, but salamander started yammering away how no one could beat him at the game and how he was so invincible. I decided to put that to the test

"HEAD SHOT" the tv yelled.

"GOD DAMN IT!" Natsu yelled throwing the controller down. Wendy then pinched Natsu's arm.

"Swear!" we roll our eyes and Natsu rubs his arm. Wendy goes back to doing homework. Since mom hates us swearing, Wendy decided to help her and would pinch us when we swore. Which for being an eight year old kid, she could really pinch.

"That's why you shouldn't act so cocky Natau, it gets you nowhere and makes you look like an idiot, which isn't entirely true. You always look like an idiot." I say. I put the controller down and drank the rest of my coke. "I wonder where Shrimp is?" Wendy's eyes got big.

"Levy? Levy a coming! Are you guys going to go on a date? Are you going to admit you love her? Have you already? When you guys have kids can I name one? How are babies made anyway? Do you think Levy knows?" suddenly the door bell rang. "Ill get it!" Wendy yelled. But before I could reach her she open the door. There stood shrimp in her usual yellow dress.

"Levy! How are babies made?" Wendy asked innocently. Levy eyes went round.


"Don't answer that, Wendy go do your homework." Wendy pouts and sticks her tough out at me.

"Well that was weird. Ready to go?" Levy asked smiling.

"I KNEW IT YOU ARE GOING ON A DATE." I chuck my coke can hitting Wendy's head. "Ow!"

Levy then hit me.

"Gajeel don't hurt your little sister!" Levy scolded.

"I have to she is being weird!" I say defensively. She rolled her eyes and we walk off the porch and toward my motorcycle.

"Gajeel I swear if I die tonight I will so haunt your butt!" Levy said reluctantly getting on the motorcycle with me.

"'Haunt my butt'?" I say teasingly.

"Oh shut up." We then put on our helmets and we were off. First to the pound!


I held the small back cat in my arms. He squirmed and started attacking my hand.

"He's perfect! I'll take him." I say. He was the toughest cat I had ever seen with his little battle scar on his eye and his knack for fighting me.

"Are you sure? He might not do well around other cats." The employee said. I waved her off.

"He is a tough little guy he will be fine!" I gave 'Pantherlilly' to Levy while I filled out some paper work.

"Aww hi sweety! Aren't a a handsome kitty! Yes you are! Yes you are!" Levy said, babying my new cat.

"Levy, please. He is a warrior, meant for fighting and killing!" She rolled her eyes.

"Even Hercules was a baby and needed love." She lightly hugged him again and I turned back to the paper work. Women!

"Gajeel huh? What's your girlfriend's name?" The female employee asked.

"She isn't my girlfriend, and Its Levy." I said. She stopped for a moment deep in thought.

"GaLe!" I rose my eye brow.

"What is a GaLe?" I asked.

"Your ship name! You two are adorable and you must be shipped. So a combination of your name and her name is GaLe! Or Gajevy. Which ever you prefer." She smiled largely and confidently. I nodded carefully and I quickly finished the paper work. Levy noticed my unease.

"Something wrong Gajeel?"

"Yeah, GaLe."

"OR GAJEVY!" The employee yelled from the back to get Pantherlilly's documents.

"What? Wait, should I even ask?" She said looking back at Pantherlilly and started rubbing his belly. I shook my head.

"No, you shouldn't ask. But you do need to stop suffocating my cat before you kill him."

"Oh hush up he's fine!"

"He won't be if you kill him!"

"You're such a mom!"

"Well I wanna keep my cat that I just paid $100 on!"

"YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE!" the employee was standing there with the documents covering her huge smile. Lucy has done this before, what is Levy call it? Girlfanning? Fangirling? Something like that. I snatched the document and practically dragged Levy and Pantherlilly out of there. We put Pantherlilly in his carrying bag and we got back on the bike. As I started it Levy yelled.

"We still need to talk about you grabbing my butt during lunch!" She yelled over the roar of my engine. I smirked.

"You're right, we should save the butt stuff for sex!" I then drove before Levy could say something.


HELLO!' so I get A LOT of Comments on this chapter (and yes I know, I read every single one of them) and I have a confession. The lady is not Mira.

I know I know I'm sososo sorry, I never even thought of putting Mira in this part, the lady here was just some random fangirl, mostly to relate to you. The readers. You can put Mira there but it was really supposed to be you instead. Alright, enjoy the story!

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