The girl

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"Don't kill us!" I yell digging my head into Gajeel's back.

"I'm not going to kill you....yet." He smirked. I would usually hit him but I was so scared riding on Gajeel's motorcycle I didn't want anything distracting Gajeel. How on earth did I get talked into riding with Gajeel on his death trap of death and suffering, and did I mention DEATH. I hugged Gajeel's waist tighter, his faint smell of cologne was calming, along with his warm leather jacket I could gladly fall asleep like this. All warm and snuggled up with Gajeel, the problem was that we wERE ON A DEATH TRAP. I peeked my head out. We were still a good two miles before the Carnival.

"Yo, shrimp. Could you loosen your grip it's getting hard to breath here!" Gajeel yelled over the howling wind.


"Sheesh women." Gajeel mumbled.

Note to self, write will, don't ride Gajeel's motorcycle, pick up eggs at Walmart, and kill Gajeel for giving me an attitude.

"How much longer!" I yell.

"After this light we will be a minute away." As we slowed down at the stop light I let go of Gajeel and I readjust my position. Out of the corner of my mind I saw a little black motorcycle ride up next to us. The driver took off their helmet to fix their long blond hair. She looked about 17 like Gajeel and I. She was my kind of petit but some how she made it look bad ass. She wore big sunglasses and a white blouse with dark jeans. She was chewing some kind of pink bubble gum and had a sporty looking black helmet. I wonder if she goes to Fairy Tail , I think to myself. She seemed like the type of girl Gajeel would date, a little too small, but the motorcycle made up for that. The next thing I knew Gajeel revved up the motorcycle and we were again speeding along.

"Damn it Gajeel I was checking out a girl!" I yell. He turned slightly toward me.

"You were doing what!?" he said in confusion. I felt a blush appear on my face.

"No! Not checking her out checking her out, I mean I was wondering if this girl went to our school. Does anyone else ride a motorcycle?" I ask again tightly clinging on to Gajeel.

"I think a girl in my English class does, did you see her?"

"Yeah she was right next to us." I felt Gajeel shrug. "Hmm didn't notice."

"Well if you want to be good in a relationship you need to notice girls, I mean what girl doesn't like getting complements when they spend two hours on their hair!"

"Are you still am about that?"


About a year ago, Gajeel had this girlfriend he has been dating for a month and when I finally got to meet her I wanted to make a good impression so I spent two hours working on my hair. Then when Gajeel picked me up he didn't say a word about it! And I mean it looked completely different. I had taken out my head band and crimped my hair into a 1950s curly hair style. It doesn't sound like much but since my bangs were so used to being put back I had to first straighten them out and that usually takes a good 25 minutes with my hair being the way it is. Then I had to crimp it at least four times and used a half a bottle of hair spray just to keep it in place. Then Gajeel dumps her the next day. Lets just say Gajeel got a whooping of a life time after that.

Finally arriving at the Carnival I jump off the bike and kissed the grass.

"Oh sweet, sweet, ground! How I missed you so!" I said. I heard Gajeel chuckle.

"I have said it before and I will say it again, your are one weird women." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Oh shut up. Hey look its Lucy!" I yell. "Lu-Lu!" I yell, the blond turned toward me and we did a dramatic run to each other.

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