Forgive me

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Levy POV

I continued to watch the dark ceiling. I was debating with my thoughts and feeling. This is stupid Levy, it won't work. That is probably true. No Levy you have to try, it could work or it could! That was also very true.

My heart screamed while my brain yelled. Half of me saying go for it while the other told me to stay. To be or not to be. To do or not to do. To be stupid or to be smart. To avoid the biggest humiliation of my life or make my life a fairy tale (PUN). For the second time that night I tossed in my bed and faced my pillow. I clenched my hands and released the frustration. I punched my pillow as hard as I could. One after another I begged for an answer, an idea. For release. I felt my knuckles burn from punching the now crumbled pillow. My hands hurt but my heart hurts worse. You love him tell him

You love him, you don't know if he loves you.

He will except you.

He will hate you.

Shut up brain.

No you shut up heart.


I fell back into my bed with an annoyed sigh. This sucks.

Gajeel POV

Tomorrow. Ill do it tomorrow. Maybe I should have showered. And a new shirt could help too. Damn it I'm not prepared at all. I can't do it tomorrow. No, Gajeel this is shrimp we are talking about, it won't matter. But being fresh does increase sincerity. Ok that's it I'm not doing it. Ill do it the day after tomorrow. Wait that's Tuesday, Levy hates Tuesdays. Ok Wednesday. But the next day is test day and if she does a 'ill have to think about it' thing I won't be able to study and I would like to keep a good grade. Ok fine ill do it Thursday. But ill distract her from her tests and I don't want to be the reason she fails. Fine, Friday. Ill do it Friday. I felt settled on Friday. Wait a minute, what if that is too long? Maybe another guy with ask her out. Damn it damn it damn it. Maybe I should go now. I laugh that is a stupid idea. She isn't awake.

Levy POV

Why am I so wake! God Levy fall a sleep already! I sighed, I know why I can't fall a sleep. My bitch of a brain won't let me. Maybe I should just go to him now. Make my apologizes just to get it out of the way. No, he can't be awake it's three in the morning. Ill just do it tomorrow.

What if you can't, what if he is awake right now debating whether to hate you or not.

What if he is asleep and will hate you by waking him up.

I'm never going to get anything accomplished with these two bickering. I could maybe peak through the window to see if he was awake. Yeah, if he is awake I can talk to him, if not he will never know I was there. You go Levs I told myself. I jumped up from my bed and put on my white bunny slippers. I slowly creep down the hallways praying for nothing to be laying around to be stepped on. The moon wasn't quite full tonight but only a slither of the moon was hidden. The grass had a slight dampness and the wind smelled of, Jasmine? That was odd. But no matter, I slide into my little car and shivered from the cold leather seats. I blast the heat.

The stars were out tonight. It had been so dark an dreary lately I didn't think I would see the stars again for awhile. So I took it as a good omen. Gajeel's house was only a mile away, I could have walked but I found it unnecessary to freeze.

His house was quite eccentric, it was bedecked with light flowers and indigenous bushes that baffled the most dreary of people. It had a sense of fantasy, that made you feel compelled to find out who created such a jubilant place. The answer was Metelacana. She could take the most ramshackle of places and turn it into a palace.

I parked my car on the adjacent corner of the house and meditatively snuck the to window. I have it all figured out. I would climb the one story tall tree and get on the roof outside of Gajeel's room. The tree was morbid looking without any of it's leaves and dead branches. It was teetering between life or death. I judiciously climbed the alive looking branches to preserve the life I have left. The roof was littered with leafs and insects. I made a mental note not to EVER do this again. I was acquainted with Gajeel's window. A flash went through my mind reminding me of the time Gajeel had me pined up against it while fucking my brains out. But I quickly became perplexed to see the window covered by a curtain. I remembered Gajeel saying that curtains on windows irked him. I tried putting my ear to the window to find it inaudible. I could try to open the window but I was feeble. I was about to go back down when I heard a light screech.

Gajeel POV

That was it. I was just going to leave a note for her. I am going to drive to her house and put a note in her widow. After a half hour of trying and trying to write the perfect note. I threw on a shirt and started walking to my window. Since I was doing a little....activity I closed my curtains. I quickly drew them open and started pulling up the window when I noticed a head full of blue hair.

"Levy?" she looked at me in horror.

"G-Gajeel! So you're awake." she said.

"Yeah, what are you doing here shrimp?" I said as nicely as I could.

"I-I wanted to talk to you." She said. She shooed me back and she climbed in the window.

"Gajeel, I want to apologize. Following you was wrong and I should respect your choices. Forgive me?" she said. She had her hands clasped together and she had a pouty face. It was adorable.

"Levy-" I began but was interrupted by Shrimp grabbing my face. She thumbs were on my cheek bones and her fingers were around my ears.

"What are you-"

She kissed me.


OMG OMG OMG ahahahahahaha don't you all love me? Although I have a confession, I used the chapter to practice some vocabulary words.......sorry. But the first chapter of 'Coward' should be out by now. I really hope you guys read it. Well I must be off now my lovelies! TaTa!!!!!!

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