The dream

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"Gajeel you ass!" I yell. He smirks. I slap his hands away from my stomach. But they quickly returned to their original place.

"Stop tickling me!" I say laughing. Gajeel just held me tighter. My legs suddenly give out from all of the tickling and laughing, causing us to both fall.

"Ow shrimp!" Gajeel exclaims "You trying to kill us?".

"Well don't tickle me like that and maybe I won't try to kill you!" I then try to slap his arm but I found it extremely difficult, that's when I realized what position we were in. I was laying my my stomach with Gajeel on my back but he had his arms wrapped around my waist locking me in place. I felt a blush spread on my face.

"G-get off me." I feel the rumble in his chest. He was laughing at me.

"No. I like this position." I felt him bury his head in my hair and start kissing my neck.

"G-Gajeel, n-no kiss-" I but my words were interrupted by a moan. I felt his hands dig under my shirt. I expected him to grab my breast like he always does, but instead he lightly brushed his fingers against my skin. This caused the most amazing shivers to shoot through my body. Gajeel then sat up, bringing me with him. I leaned into his chest and he continued to lightly kiss my neck, and lightly bite at random areas. While he was doing that his hands were slowly and lightly traveling up my stomach leaving a trail of tingles. When his hands arrived at my breasts, he tore the shirt off of me. I wanted to pay attention to were it landed but Gajeel began to message my breasts. I moan again. I reached behind me and start lightly rubbing his growing erection. He, inhumanly fast, spun me around me and laid me on the floor. He was now towering over me. He dipped his head down and started kissing the middle of my neck and slowly went up to my jaw line and he continued up to my cheek and then went to my nose, forehead, eye brows, ears, everywhere but my lips. I suddenly didn't feel the lust I usually felt when we were in this position, but instead I felt a light weight on my chest and a warm feeling throughout my body. Looking into his beautiful crimson red eyes I felt like I was floating. I completely forgot were I was or even who I was. I reached up to his face lightly holding him with my hands. I gently brought his face to me like I was going to break him, which was probably impossible. All I wanted in that moment was his lips on mine. I didn't care if my parents came in, or if someone started breaking into my house, or even if the world was ending. I wanted-no I needed to kiss Gajeel. The warmth I felt increased, and only went higher the closer I brought mine and Gajeel's lips together. I felt his light breath on my lips, it only increasing my heat beat and then

woke up.

I sat up in bed. I turn to my night stand. There stood my alarm clock flashing 3:38. My room was lit up from the moon outside giving it a light gray color. I get out of bed and I head down the stairs. I grabbed a cup and filled it with water, I then chugged it. My body felt hot, not a sick hot, or a sweaty hot. A nervous hot. I felt my hands shaking. My breathing was irregular and all I want was to go to sleep. But at the same time I dreaded the idea of going to bed. The dream, the things Gajeel was doing felt real. Too real. I shouldn't be dreaming things like that. Dreams like that ruin everything. We were building something great and dreams like that destroy things like this. No matter how much water I drank or how many time I took deep breaths my heart wouldn't stop beating so fast and the heat wouldn't subside. I felt like my legs were going to give out so I sat on the floor and took more deep breaths. I wiped my bangs out of my face to only find something wet. I touched my face and I realized I was crying. Damn it damn it damn it. I wiped and wiped my wet eyes but no matter what I did they continued to leak the salty water. I finally stopped wiping and I let the tears fall. I laid on the kitchen floor. Not caring how gross it probably was. I couldn't get my body to move. All I could do was close my eyes and when I did all I saw was Gajeel just a few centimeters away from me. The vision was so clear I felt like if I moved my head slightly I would be kissing those tempting lips. I opened my eyes to see the blank ceiling. Honestly I was terrified of why I felt like this, yet I felt addicted to the feeling. The nervousness of it dulled down and now left a baby blanket warmth, but since I knew nothing was on me I felt a yearning for the object that gave me this warmth. I slowly realized I was falling asleep and I knew my back would not be happy if I fell asleep on hardwood floor. With every ounce of my strength I brought myself upward. I pulled myself up with the counter and I drunkenly walked through my house to get to my bed. I flopped down and even through I didn't want to I returned to a dream land.

I was standing in what looked like a park with a large tree. I was with, what looked like, Jet and Droy. They were beating up Gajeel when suddenly Laxus, a guy who graduated last year from our school came up. I couldn't hear what anyone was saying or see very clearly so I was lost in total confusion. An odd light surrounded Laxus then surged forward toward Gajeel it seemed to be shocking him. It then blasted him forward. Jet and Droy shouted something at Laxus that he must have not liked because he threw that odd light at them. I then realized it was coming at me. I put my hands up but I felt no pain. Gajeel, bloody and beaten, stood in front of me. A light came up from his a sword? No... like I said I couldn't see clearly. But I knew well enough he protected me from whatever Laxus was trying to hurt me with. He always does that. He always protects me. The dream shifted, and I went into a dreamless sleep.

My alarm continued to scream. Damn it. I forgot to turn off my alarm. It was currently 6:15 in the morning. On a Sunday. I felt lightly hungover from the drinks last night. Erza drove us home, she doesn't drink in case you're wondering. But the shock of the sudden alarm gave my body enough energy that I couldn't fall back asleep. I groaned and I got up. I looked in my mirror to find my eyes weren't as swollen as I thought they would be. I went down stairs and started to make breakfast. The odd warmth had left my body letting my mind gain control again. What had happened didn't make a lick of sense. I never felt that before. I wondered if I was sick or maybe I was still intoxicated. Yes, that must have been it. I rarely drink so it would make sense if that was just a form of intoxication that was unfamiliar to me. Finishing my eggs I felt less crazy than what I felt like when I began making them. That's what I call progress.

When I finished eating I decided to read my book, only to remember it was a love novel and I had no desire to read that. Maybe I should call Gajeel and force him to entertain me. But suddenly the oddly comforting warmth returned along with a racing heart. What the hell? As quickly it came it disappeared. It was official, I was never drinking again.

OMG 500+ READS! YOU GUYS ARE SO FLIPPEN AMAZING AND FANTASTIC AND I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! Also, I love taking suggestions/prediction from my readers *wink wink* OH! And just to make sure you guys understood. The second dream was of when Gajeel first joined Fairy Tail (anime, but i'm sure you knew that but just making sure) and the first Gale/Gajevy moment was born! And if you were wondering this does not mean Levy gets powers or something it was just something fun I thought to throw in there :D lovelovelovelove you guys :D :D

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