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The only person who has screwed more things up consistently than you is me. And now I know what that guilt feels like, and I know what it means to feel sorry. I am sorry.

Cody POV

October 12, 2016

7:00 AM

I woke up pooled in sweat. I shot upwards, looking around frantically. My head pounded and my fingers felt burnt once more as if I had just touched the compass again for the first time. My blue walls looked dull, in fact, everything did. I heard silverware against plates from downstairs and smelt, pancakes?

I pushed myself off my bed, stepping onto the cold hard floor. I walked quickly out my door and down the stairs. I looked over the rail and saw my father and Emily sitting at the table in silence. I slid my feet across the floor towards the wooden table and sat down.

  My gut wrenched when I saw them sitting together. It was unusual. My sister is a mother's girl. Key word— is. Our mother cheated on my dad when I was twelve. My sister sided with my mother because mom had always told her that my dad didn't love her enough. Even after the divorce and seeing my dad have full on mental breakdowns she still sided with my damn mother.

  She always gave dad trouble, giving him snarky remarks and pushing him away. I wouldn't really know, but I can only imagine it hurts to see the person you developed turn out to hate you no matter what you do.

  Me? I hated my mom. I lost my dad because of her. At least the father I knew. At first I didn't really care because in the whole year before they found she cheated, I felt like she was different. She was gone half the time because she was attending a group class for alcohol abuse. And as I got older I realized my dad wasn't able to recover and was suffering. I never said anything because I felt like it wasn't my place. I still do.

"Aren't we supposed to be at school? It's Wednesday right?" I asked yawning and rubbing my eyelid.

"Your sister was running a fever last night. I went to check on you but you wouldn't wake up, I almost called an ambulance. But I guess something told me not to," my dad stated, setting his fork down and sitting up straight. I looked down at the mirror centerpiece of the table. My blue eyes stared back at me and my black hair looked like I had just gotten in a catfight with a bear.

After a moment of silence, I pushed myself up from the table and went back up to my room. I drug my feet and kept my eyes trained on the steps. I entered it carefully and moved the compass off my bed, sitting down. I grabbed my phone and hit my home button. I went through my usual things, checking Snapchat and all that. I got to my Instagram, where I only had one DM notification. I tapped on it and noticed I had a request.

It was from a username that was all too familiar. It was from Chase. I let out a short puff of air and tapped on his name.

"Meet me at the back of Walgreens." It read.

I felt uneasy. Very uneasy. If I went would I be met with him and Hiro, holding baseball bats and be murdered? I shrugged off the feeling and shot up from the bed, slamming my closet doors open. Of course, I'd go. Let us hope curiosity killed the Cody doesn't become true. Also, I kinda liked drama, in a sad way.

I didn't bother to take down the coat hangers, instead just yanking my jeans and shirt off. I pulled my pants on while trying to walk and almost tripped and smashed my face into the bedside table. I then pulled my shirt on and smiled. I quickly grabbed my phone and opened my door.

I stopped myself at the top of the stairs when I saw my dad sitting in his recliner chair. There was no way he would let me go. He'd just send me to school and I was not about to go back to that pit. I didn't do my homework for Science either. I backtracked to my room and stepped over to my window. I peered out it and looked at the drop to the first-floor roof.

It was about a seven or eight-foot difference. See, this wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't the shortest kid in my class and played football. I put one leg outside of it so I straddled the frame. I held myself up with my arms as I put my other leg out. I lowered myself as far as my arms could go and dropped about two feet. I had a pretty steady landing and I smiled, proud of myself.

I looked down to the ground and my quick, idiotic thinking, decided to make a leap of faith. I pushed off right before I stepped on the gutter. And landed just past the bushes that were up against the outside of the house, for a moment I felt like I went really far, and then I actually hit the ground and regret came flooding in.

  Sweet jesus.

I landed on my feet but my left ankle felt like it got hit by a bunch of mini ankle sized buses. I hopped forwards into the woods before my dad could have the chance to look out a window and see me. Leaves crunched under my feet as I began to walk through the same path I took yesterday.

I kinda got lost in thought on the way there, the forest really was peaceful.

Grace sat on a log in a really, dense looking forest. With every vision, the color got brighter, so I could now see even more. She had brown hair, tan skin, and brown eyes. Her face was kinda chubby and she was about an average height. She wore a black T-shirt with blue jeans and black and white Adidas Superstars.

Her eyes seemed to be clouded with an emotion I couldn't quite tell. It seemed like regret. I heard clashing coming from somewhere. Metal on metal. I glanced around and saw Ponytail and the girl she called Ellie practicing fighting each other with actual swords. Ponytail seemed to keep sending worried glances at Grace. At least I thought she was worried.

She told Ellie something and dropped her sword. She made her way over to Grace, her face stoic. She stopped behind her and put one of her hands on Grace's shoulder.

"You didn't fail. None of us did."

quote from Supernatural

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