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I watched as Isabel carried the boys body behind a bunch of dead trees. "You didn't even hesitate," I argued, wiping her sword clean of blood. "What if he could have helped us."
"He's right," Gun quickly said.
"The boy could have hurt us, told someone we were here, or even worse than someone, Lucifer."
"But still what if he knew something."
"What if he didn't," she jabbed back at him, taking the sword out of my hand. Gun gently held the head of the boy, which was wrapped in a cloth. This mission was truly turning full 360's every ten minutes. Isabel walked over to Gun and roughly took the head out of his arms, careful not to get blood on her. "Besides," She said, turning it in her hands. I mentally cringed when blood dripped from the start of the neck. "We have a good distraction now."
As soon as we walked into the actual club for real this time, my whole vibe was different. Anxiety built in my throat as Isabel split up from me and Gun. She went right, we went left. Gun made me hold onto his hand like a line of little kindergarteners holding onto each others backpacks. Demons were laughing and talking, the ones that danced weren't as rough and energetic as humans. The place was really dark, black lights shone on the reactive carpet that had planets and spaceships on them. Everyone looked, strangely elegant? No one had worn out clothes or dirty shoes. They looked like the front rows at the Grammys. Girls had their hair up and boys had it combed nicely. I'm pretty sure we stood out big time right now, especially since we looked like we had to climb a mountain to escape a crime scene.
Gun's eyes scanned everyone's faces and clothes. He kept pulling me until we came to a familiar sign on Earth, the dude on the boys bathroom sign. He knocked and then yanked me in quickly, locking the door. It was the complete opposite of what you would expect for a club. The tiles were freshly steam cleaned and the toilets were a nice shiny white. There was a new tube of Bath and Body Works soap, as well as fancy perfumes.
"The fanciness of this club makes me extremely anxious," I whispered.
Gun yanked a bunch of paper towel off the roll and wetted it, approaching me an wiping down my face and neck, "I know, it's strange. But we have to try and fit in." He slid his light brown trench coat off and put it on me, hiding my anime shirt. Sorry Viktor and Yuuri, maybe another day. His shirt was just a plain black one, his jeans and shoes matching. I looked in the mirror and I looked tiny in this outfit. "What is the plan?" I asked.
"Kidnapping of course," he responded. "What?" I asked. Gun looked in the mirror and played with his hair for a minute and looked back at me. "Let's go."
We made our way around the place aimlessly, trying to catch a glimpse of Isabel. I'm pretty sure he looked like my dad leading me around, because we got a lot of strange looks. We ended up finding Isabel in a corner, talking to a group of people that just so happened to have a familiar face in there. Dolos sat smirking at Isabel the whole time as she blabbered on about random stuff. I don't know what she was saying but the other people looked convinced. We approached them, causing her to turn toward us and introduce us with a big, fat, fake smile.
"These are my associates," she extended an arm towards me and laid it on my shoulder. "We paid big money for that yacht party in Hawaii, i'm so sorry I didn't know you all at the time, you're such a splendid group of young men." Okay now she just sounded like a cheap hooker trying to play the rich card.
Isabel lowered her arm and began digging in the supply bag where the head was. Gun wrapped his arm around my neck and lifted my chin with the ends of his fingers to look at him. "Stop paying attention to her and pay attention to me," he smiled flirtatiously, but his eyes spoke a different story. He didn't want me looking at her. Everyone at the table was distracted looking at us.
"Never thought the thousand year old demon would be into a human, much less a minor," Dolos sneered. I turned towards him and smiled, feeling a little confident. I saw Isabel finishing unwrapping the head and rolled it from between her legs out into the middle of the room. She stood up quickly and held up a small hairpin, clipping her bangs back, just as a high pitched scream could be heard. We all looked back as people began to notice the decapitated head.
"Is that. . Ethan?" someone called out. A few groups of people rushed out of the building and many people just left the room. The group of people around us went to inspect the head, as soon as attention was off of us, Isabel hopped into action and walked around the table. "Now what was the point of that Winterlee—," Dolos began but was cut off by Isabel shoving cloth into his mouth and tying it tight around the back of his head. "I haven't had to kidnap in a long time, but since you wanted to make this complicated, almost drown Cody, and avoid any other contact. You had it coming," Isabel growled into his ear, yanking him out of his chair.
Gun grabbed a black bandana from his back pocket and quickly tied it around his face, covering his nose and mouth. Grabbing his weapon of choice and holding the blade at his side. "You know the drill," Isabel told him, also covering her face, but she also pulled out a pair of sunglasses to hide her unique eyes. She held Dolos' hands behind his back tightly and began pushing him towards the front door. Should my face be covered? I followed behind her quickly, and looked back. Gun was proceeding to stab the people we had been in contact with and I quickly looked forwards. Panic flowed through my body as I stayed close to Isabel. I looked to the side and saw someone looking panicked pull out a phone. I knew what they were doing, but I didn't want to think they were calling police or whatever the hell they had in Hell.
People watched us push out of the front doors and we picked up a jog down a dark, gloomy street. Tall buildings made it kind of look like New York City. The streets were empty though, besides the people who had left the building in a hurry. We turned down an alley and were met with a familiar face. "Lily?" I called out.
The dark skinned vampire stood holding two fully tacked up horses on either side of her. "I hope you like your rides, I must say getting a car into Hell would have been way to hard than I was willing to go through. Border check is awful," she smiled, handing me the reins of a brown blanket appaloosa. Its flank was covered in white and brown spots and its muzzle was a nice light shade of pink. A familiar feeling of nostalgia ran through my body as I remembered riding horses when I was little. Lily's hair was tied up into two buns again and she wore a grey headband, as well as a grey shirt with a white stripe through the middle. She wore black and white adidas and black leggings as well.
"You stick out like a sore thumb in hell wearing that, everyone looks like their from the fifteenth century," I teased as Isabel put Dolos' on her black horse. "This sore thumb likes attention though," she smirked. "Well, I better get going before someone sees me, the prince is waiting for me back at that old fart's palace," she concluded, pulling the grey hood attached to her shirt over her head. She quickly disappeared in the alley and I looked at my horse.
Isabel was already sitting on her horse waiting for me to get on, she squeezed his side and walked around slowly, Dolo's hunched over and tied to the saddle behind her. A sound of hooves clopping could be heard in the distance, I swallowed thickly and put my foot in the stirrup, pushing myself on the horse. "Good horsey," I praised, squeezing her side and following Isabel who motioned me to follow her. Isabel suddenly kicked her horse into a gallop, causing mine to let out a soft neigh and speed up as well. "Hold up, I've never galloped before!" I yelped hanging onto the saddle. My horse's hooves hammered on the concrete causing strong vibrations to run through me to the top of my head.
"Up ahead! Winterlee and the human," a woman called out. I looked behind me to see a group of people on horses galloping full speed towards us. I yelped and looked at Isabel, "I think the demon police are after us," I called ahead. The road forked ahead and Isabel looked back at me, "Take the right, I will go left! Follow the signs," she said, instantly turning left without giving me time to argue. I clicked my tongue and pulled my reins left. A gunshot fired and hit the wall right beside me, causing me to let out yet again another yelp.
My horse had spooked and gone all out running, I looked back to see that I was losing the people. I smiled and looked forwards again, cheering the horse on. I could look over at the street parallel to this one and see Isabel wasn't having as good of a time. Her horse was being flanked by a bigger white horse and her black one kept trying to get a few kicks in. I turnt my horse through a few trees to help Isabel and almost crashed into someone who was following behind Isabel and the man on the white horse. I reached an arm out and gave them a huge shove, but they didn't budge. They looked at me with dark eyes and began landing kicks on my side. Pain shot up my hip as I held onto my horses neck, sliding off the saddle. My horse let out a heavy puff of air and let out a nicker, causing the horse to let out a loud neigh and rear, stopping dead in its tracks. I kept sliding off and my horse reached back with its head, still going full speed, and nudged my back onto its back. I sat up and looked back to see the horse now following us with no rider, its ears now forward and it running at a comfortable pace.
"You just like, saved my life," I said to the horse, confused. What in the hell? The horse had one ear back listening to me and the other forward, its eyes trained on the horses in front of us. The horse launched forwards, approaching the white horse at high speeds. As soon as we go close enough, she opened her mouth and landed a nasty bite to the white horse's hindquarters, causing my horse to run into theirs chest to butt. I reached forwards and delivered a blow with the butt of my knife to the back of their blonde head. They quickly covered their head and looked back at me. Their grey eyes pierced into my soul as I froze. "Hiroshki?" I called out, as soon as the white horse stumbled, its giant body lowering to the ground. My horse quickly moved to the side to avoid tripping or stepping on them. I looked back as my horse caught up to Isabel and went the same speed as her.
Hiro was not standing, just watching us move away. Why was he here? "Do not tell me that was that blonde brat from your school," Isabel said darkly, looking forwards. I looked forwards and gripped the reins. Another horse rolled up beside us and Gun sat on it calmly. I looked at his horse and it was the same horse that the demon I almost ran into was on. Isabel asked him a few questions and they talked for a minute and then it went silent. Hiroshki was friends with Chase who turned out to be a demon, but, does that really mean he's a demon too? I could feel Gun's gaze on me and I knew he knew what I was thinking. I kept my eyes trained between my horses ears though, soaking in the loactions around us.
"That was a pretty cool move your horse did earlier Cody," Gun smiled, speeding up his horse to go in front of mine and Isabel's.
"You saw it?" I asked, looking at the back of his head. I fidgeted with my hands, what if I looked stupid?
"Of course. I didn't want to interfere though." He looked back and smirked at me, his light blue eyes shining. Okay he's cute as hell. I kinda got caught into a trance until Isabel scoffed. Gun looked forwards and I looked at her. "Gun stop flirting your like a thousand years older than him," she smirked, looking me in the eyes. Her ponytail bounced up and down with the horses pace and her eyes looked a little more happier than normal. I think I could physically hear one of guns veins popping from annoyance. "I am not that old," he said through gritted teeth.
We joked around for a long time, my legs actually becoming sore and my hands aching from rubbing against the reins, until we took a final turn onto a dirt road. "We're here!" Gun said excitedly, hopping off his horse. I stopped my horse and stared blankly at the empty field. "It's just a field?" I said confusedly, just as Gun smacked me on the back of the head. "Look closer dingus," he said giving me an angry look. I looked down at my horse and rubbed the back of my head.
I looked up and was met with a huge archway with two walls extending out the side. The main road led to Dolos' palace off in the distance. Vampires walked around inside and carried their belongings in their new homes. Lily stood in the archway next to Prince Atlas. "Welcome to the newly decided vampire palace!" she said, smiling at us.

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