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  a short, filler chapter

Something pressed against my whole back and my eyes shot open. It was all dark. Like to the point you could wear night vision goggles and eat whole carrot farms and still not be able to see. A deep breath exhaled into my ear and my whole body tensed. Their arms wrapped around my waist and a blanket was up to our necks. Teeth scraped the shell of my ear and a warm tongue quickly met the back of my shoulder.

  "Humans are so warm," a very familiar voice whispered. Gun? My entire face flushed red. I was being fondled by a demon. I mean that wasn't even the scary part, like I genuinely liked it. Don't blame me, blame the hormones! Plus I knew if anything happened there was a specific someone who wouldn't be too happy.

  "You know, I hated you until you made us be able to watch Mulan in peace. It's my favorite Disney movie," he said cheekily. I turned my head and was met with his strangely attractive face. He eyed my lips hungrily, swiping his tongue on this top lips. What. The. Hell.  His face inched towards mine and he pressed them on mine gently. My heart raced and all rational thinking was thrown out the window. My brain couldn't even form words.

"Whatever you're seeing isn't real," he mumbled against my lips, moving them professionally. I almost wanted to return my part of the exchange. "I am one of the seven deadly sins, I am Lust," Gun stated clearly suddenly appearing with his face a good two feet away.

  "W- what?" I stuttered. "So you're strangely perfect lips weren't about to eat me?" His black hair stuck to his forehead and he smiled, revealing perfectly white teeth. I almost expected sharp teeth but he had beautiful normal teeth. Oh so now teeth were beautiful? His blue eyes bore into my souls. Pretty sure this dude can see my insecurities with those eyes.

  "I wouldn't touch you unless you asked me to," he stated. He just got ten thousand more times handsome. "Can you touch me?" I asked. My hands flew to my mouth. Why did I say that? My stomach literally did a somersault into hell. Jesus help me now.

  "And when you aren't under the effects of being around a deadly sin," he sighed. His head plopped down into the pillow, arms never leaving my waist.

  "What time is it?" I asked him. I really hoped we weren't on Isabel's bed. I don't think she'd like to know I imagined making out with one of the people she lived with on her bed.

  "2:34 and 37 seconds," he responded, eyes never opening once. What in the world? Is this deadly sin skill or just demon skill.

"Only one of the deadly sin skills, pretty sure Ellie can't even read a normal clock, even if it is electric and shows the numbers," he mumbled. "How did you know I was thinking that?" I squeaked. He just "mmm'd." Was I that much of an open book? I felt nervous.

  I never had friends to sleep over at and I missed my house. I felt two eyes on me and felt slightly ashamed knowing he could tell how I was feeling. "Hey don't feel bad," he said softly. "Look."

  I heard a small click and the whole room vibrated softly. "Look up." I followed his command and looked up. A slab slid open and a medium sized window was revealed. The sky was covered in stars. I looked at it in awe. This house looked like it was made a hundred years ago, I never expected that. It must be rigged with little secrets. The stars shined strangely bright from here. One of the demons must have moved me upstairs.

  "When Grace's momma died and we took her in, she used to cry at night. I always brought her in here to look at the stars. I always told her that her mom was up there watching her." My heart ached. You never really expect a demon to be as full of heart as these four were.

  "Is there anyone up there watching you?" he asked.

  I smiled with my eyes. "Yeah, my grandpa." Memories of him flooded my brain. "He used to take me to Chuck E. Cheese."

"You know?" I suddenly said, "You demons are a lot like humans." His eyes shifted to me.

  "We may be ruthless and selfish, but we have feelings too. We don't kill people and ruin lives for sport. In demon society, it's constantly survival of he fittest," he explained.

  "We don't want to hurt you on purpose," he confessed. "But something out there makes us."

And with that statement, I was left confused. Who would make them hurt us?

"The angels do."

Silver Eyed DemonWhere stories live. Discover now