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  We walked down the main street as a vampire came and took mine and Gun's horse. My horse stood still for a second, but eventually gave into the vampires tugs on the reins. We walked in a group to Dolos' palace, Isabel's horse which carried Dolos' beside me. The cobblestone road led up to the palace, the streets lined with fancy but abandoned looking houses. Atlas told us about how they had to sneak out groups of vampires at a time over the four long earth days, taking them to an underground portal that Grace had set up. "How was it four earth days when we were literally gone for like eight hours?" I called out from behind him. He didn't even look back at me, answering quickly. "Time ticks slower in the fire kingdom," he said coldly. Okay then. I blew out a quick puff of air and rolled my eyes.
  I was not about to take his attitude because Isabel likes me more than him, like sorry dude you messed it up for yourself. Isabel never exactly told me why they broke up, but I could tell she didn't particularly like him as much as she once did, just by the way she acted when he came up. She was usually quiet, but when he was the topic she seemed dead quiet, her breath even more silent than usual. Annoyance filled my body. This dude had already broken into my house and he didn't even care to try and apologize.
  I held Isabel's horses reins tightly and kept my eyes on the ground as we approached his home. I kinda let everyone get in front of me as the street narrowed.  "You know kid, you shouldn't let how a privileged little vampire get your mood down," an familiar, annoying voice said. I looked over at the horse to see Dolos somehow completely untied. He sat behind the saddle still but leaned forwards, his elbow sitting on the saddle and his cheek resting on his hand. I swallowed thickly and glared at him.

   "You aren't trying to run?" I asked, kicking a random rock on the ground.
  "I thought about it, but I happen to enjoy all the drama," he sighed. I stopped the horse as we stood in front of steps that lead into the huge castle. "Human!" Atlas shouted towards me, I felt my heart jump and looked back at Dolos who was now tied up once more. I thought I was about to get the life literally drained out of me for a second there. "Take off the old man and bring him to the dungeon." Gun and Isabel glared at him, Lily standing there awkwardly and messing with the sleeves of her shirt. A feeling of annoyance hopped through my body as I slowly helped the god off of the horse without making him fall. I grabbed the knife which was still tucked in my pants and cut his hands free.
    "Just don't get me in trouble and try to run," I whispered. He winked at me and we walked into the palace after the group of people. Isabel hung back and fell into pace with us as we stepped up the stairs. "You look like you need a nap," she said to me, leading me down to the dungeon. I breathed heavily, she was right, I was tired. We walked down a big spiral staircase and we reached a huge metal door. The door was rusted with weird text and symbols all over it. A single torch was on the wall beside it and nasty plants grew above it.  Isabel shoved it open slowly, pressing her whole body against it to be able to move it. The door screeched open and we walked down a dark hallway of cells. All the cells were empty. Isabel and Dolos walked down the hallway, but I stopped at one cell, curiosity rushing through my body. I peered into the dark cell and could barely make out anything.
   Suddenly, the face of Hiroshki popped up and I felt my adrenaline make its way through my body in an instant. I screamed and backed up into the cell on the opposite side of the hallway. The face of Hiroshki became deformed as the demons real face began to show. Hands suddenly grabbed my shoulders, one taking my hand and pressing an object into my palm. Hot breath blew on my ear and I let out the girliest scream and pulled myself out of their grip. I gripped whatever was now in my hand and I speed walked to Isabel and Dolos, who was already in a cell. "Holy crap, I almost peed myself," I whispered, standing beside her and looking back. I looked into my hand to see a balled up scrap of paper. I unravelled it and glanced at it, only seeing a capital a before Isabel slammed the cell door shut and I shoved it in my pocket. The demons in the cells kept laughing in the distance and I looked back at Isabel. "How did it have Hiroshki's face?" I asked, feeling uneasy.
  Isabel waved goodbye to Dolos and we began walking back to the main room in the palace. "They show you who or what you're most afraid of. Kinda surprised you saw him, most people that have had run ins with us see me," she said with a look that said, "fair enough." I smiled, "I'm not afraid of you." I explained. "You've never been mean to me in a way that wasn't just caring, kinda like how you're mean with Grace and Ellie."
  "You've seen me kill people though, are you not worried that I could do the same for you?" she asked, closing the door to the dungeon. We walked up the stairs and I thought for a moment. "You wouldn't kill me though," I said confidently, smiling at her. She gave me a blank look and looked away, her cheeks lifting the tiniest amount. We walked back into a grand room. The roof was high and covered in many skylights. The floor was a dark brown wood and there was a red carpet leading up to a singular throne in the center. A man I had never seen before sat on it. His dark skin shone under the natural light flooding in from above. He sighed and read a book with a dark cover. He wore fancy clothes and had extremely dark eyes.
   "Shouldn't you be trying to figure out how to kill angels, Philip," Isabel challenged him sourly. We continued to walk to the other side of the room where Gun waited in a small chair. Philip didn't even look up from his book, but answered with just as much annoyance and hatred, "It's King Philip for you, Lucifer Jr." I swallowed thickly. I had met the prince, but I had never even heard of the king. Where was he when the angels had his son? They didn't look remotely alike, was Atlas even a biological son of his? She rolled her eyes and stopped in front of Gun who was now standing. "Hey you two. I thought we could go relax for a while," he smiled, holding up three tickets.

   "What in the hell was that?" I squealed. "Blood therapy?" I felt like I needed to take a couple thousand showers after I had blood smeared all over my back and face. The sun was setting in the distance, as we walked out of a somehow newly refurbished town. The town looked more alive than it did when we first walked in. There was a circle in the middle of the town where vampires were setting up shops, just like humans would. A fountain sat in the middle and people walked around, looking at their new homes.
   "I still can't believe you two refused to put on makeup! I look great!" Gun smiled, taking pictures of himself with his phone. A few vampire girls stood by and watched him, their eyes eating him up. "Okay I know he's hot, but he's not that hot," I whispered to Isabel, motioning towards the girls. We were right in the view of the girls, so Isabel decided to make a few rude gestures towards the them. Gun was turned towards them waving, so when the girls made sour faces at us and walked off, Isabel and I immediately turned around and pretended to be buying something from a merchant on the circle. We both giggled and I glanced back at Gun who was looking around confusedly. Isabel picked up a blood bag which was in a cooler and quickly paid the merchant.
   "Did y'all see that?" Gun asked, looking back at the girls walking down the street. He looked at us suspiciously. "No we were just buying blood," Isabel smiled.
  "Isabel. You don't even drink blood."
  "That's why I was thinking about getting you on an all blood diet!" she said, popping the top off of one of the tubes and shoving the open end in Gun's mouth, squeezing the sides, causing blood to gush into his mouth. Gun immediately dropped the bag and gagged, spitting it out. Some people on the side of the street watched us and I smiled at them waving awkwardly. Isabel grabbed my elbow and took off running, we both laughed at Gun whose face was now red. We wove through people and quickly ran back down the street towards the palace. I had an ugly smile on my face and we hopped up the stairs to the palace. Guards looked at us sternly as Isabel let go of my arm and shoved the huge doors open with both her hands.
   "Don't you just love when your guards are too scared to tell two brats to not disrupt the palace," Prince Atlas growled, shoving past us with a few rich looking people. The rich looking people snickered as they walked past. Gun hopped up behind us and all three of us looked at the four people behind Atlas as they disappeared into a long corridor.
   "He has rich friends?" I asked, peering in after them.
   "Her has friends period?" Gun questioned after me.
  "I mean he's a prince so I guess," Isabel mumbled. We walked in and walked towards where Lily told us where we would be staying earlier. She had told us we would all share a room with a six bunk beds in it since they had to house some citizens who were less fortunate. We walked down a hall that had many pictures hung along the walls. The carpet that ran down it was now a royal blue color and there were many doors. Isabel stopped in front of a certain door and opened it, leading us inside. The room was actually kinda big. Ellie and Grace sat on a table in the corner writing on a big map. There weren't any windows, instead the walls were lined in old maps and swords. The bunk beds were nicely made and looked really comfortable.
  As I ran and hopped on one of the bottom bunk, Ellie announced to Isabel and Gun that the Pontiac had been safely moved to a place near their home. I layed on my back and closed my eyes. Shortly after another body jumped on me and knocked the breath out of me. "Oww," I groaned opening my eyes. Gun wrapped his arms around my torso and rested his head on my chest. His weight was heavy compared to mine so I puffed out air weakly. "You're heavy," I mumbled. Isabel, Grace, and Ellie talked about something in the background as I slowly felt myself getting tired. I closed my eyes and next thing I knew, I was asleep with Gun still on me.

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