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I sat on the edge of the fountain and read the tiny slip of paper over and over again. My backpack weighed on my back as I waited for everyone to get back so we could go home. "Alex H," I read it out loud. The name sounded extremely familiar, like it was tattooed in my brain, but had no meaning. Why would a person in a cell just give me a piece of paper with a name and a last initial? I looked up to see Grace now sitting beside me. "That paper must be really interesting for you to have been looking at it ever since everyone else went to check the security of this place."
My face stayed blank. "Do you know an Alex H?" I asked. I could see Grace swallow thickly. She looked down into her lap, her brown hair falling in her face. "Yeah. You should know her well too," she frowned. "Alex is a werewolf that we took," she paused, "and we tortured her, just to find Dolos. You were in her body at the time we did it." I thought back to the first time I had ever touched the compass. I took my backpack off and sat it in my lap, unzipping it. I opened one of the pouches in its lining where the compass was and stuck my hand in it. I swiped my hand around for a moment and when I didn't feel anything I froze for a moment.
I unzipped all my other pouches and little bags and searched for it. Nothing. I let out a heavy breath and stared blankly at the bag. Isabel is actually going to make me dig my own grave and lay down in it and then she will set it on fire and then fill it with dirt. "What's wrong?" Grace queried.
"It's gone."
"What's gone—" Grace started, but was cut off by a guard. "The dungeon has been breached!" a heaving man ran towards us, clutching his knees.
"Crap," I said, zipping my bag and slinging it around my back, trying to catch up to Grace who was now 'Usain Bolting' it across the street. I slipped the paper in my pocket and began to run after her. Grace looked back at me, a look of worry smeared across her face. Suddenly, like a flash of light something ran into her at full speed, shooting her across the street and into a bunch of pots. Vampires screamed and moved away from the sight, crowding around the edge. Glass flew everywhere, people ducking and screaming. I skidded to a stop, looking at Grace.
"Grace!" I yelped, seeing someone on top of her. They looked pretty small. They sat up some, but continued to wrap their hands around Grace's throat, her hands flying up to try and rip their hands off of her throat. I thought for a moment, I could totally take them on. I began running at full speed towards them, feeling a strange boost of confidence. I took my pack off while running and yeeted it onto the person, hitting them right on the back of their blonde haired head. I leaped onto their back and yanked them off of her, sliding on my back with them falling on top of me. Glass dug into my back and I hissed in pain, sitting up and scrambling away from the person just in case. In the process glass kept digging into my hands and blood began to seep through my shirt.
They slowly drug themselves up and grabbed my foot. They looked at me with gold eyes, their tan skin making them look like a bootleg surfer dude. He was extremely pretty and I immediately knew what he was. He was an angel. "Oh heck no!" I yelped, kicking the hand they used to grabbed my foot with my other one. He gritted his teeth and yanked me forwards like some ghost yanking people off the bed and I slid on the glass, wincing. He hovered over me and scanned my face, letting out a growling noise. "You aren't no dog, stop trying to be one," I hissed, earning a confused look and just a few more seconds to think of a way to get him off.
"Close your eyes!" I heard Grace yell, my adrenaline causing me to immediately react, my hands flying over my eyes as a loud bang sounded and glass fell on my hands. The grip the angel had on me loosened greatly so I brought my foot up and kicked him in the chest as hard as I could. I swiped any glass off of my hands and face quickly and opened my eyes to see the angel cowered in front of me, a golden liquid running down his face.
Grace pulled me up and began to drag me away as quick as we could, the glass causing us to be stiff and it dug in the back of my calves deeper as I moved. I glanced back to see the angel standing up, unfazed. He looked almost like a freaking robot. "You're kidding!" I whispered to Grace, "That was enough to cause crazy disorientation and this dude just getting up like it's nothing!" I felt blood running down my legs cause my sneakers to become squishy and wet in their bottoms. Grace and I wobbled towards the draw bridge that separated the town into halves.
I kept looking back at the closing in angel while Grace waved towards the group of vampires on the other side of the gate for help. "Close the gate!" a familiar voice yelled, my eyes widened as I looked back. Grace and I halted as Atlas waved slowly and smirked, his eyes dark. The bridge slowly lifted to a point where we wouldn't have been able to get on it.
Grace and I both turned around together, basically leaning on each other and gripping clothes to hold ourselves up on our weak legs. The angel stood wstill and looked at us.
"Betrayal really is the worst," his voice called out melodically.
"It's not betrayal if you weren't friends in the first place," Grace spat. Graces long nails dug into the side of my arms as the tall angel approached us. "Come with me," he said softly, holding out two pairs of handcuffs. They were thick with inscriptions. "You've interrupted angel plans at least twice now and it has been requested that you're taken in." Grace looked at me with eyes full of emotion, as if she was trying to tell me something.
"As long as these people will be fine, and Lucifer stays oblivious as to their whereabouts," she said calmly.
"We have a peaceful pact with Hell. I'd rather not make Lucifer mad," he barked. Grace glanced at me from the sides of her eyes and reached out for the opened handcuffs. The angel gave them to her and she handed them to me, holding her hands out to be restrained. I looked behind her and the angel at the pot store we destroyed and regular homes that people lived in.
Lily creeped in the background, slowly making her way towards us. She shook her head no. Why is she doing that? "So we're just gonna give up?" I whispered loudly on purpose. "No," Grace smiled, reaching over and tackling the angel. I stood in shock, the angel rolling over top of her. Grace wrapped her legs around him, pinning his arms against his body. I ran to them and squatted down, pulling his arms behind his back. I clipped one cuff around his right ankle and he screamed, steam rising from the metal and weird inscriptions lighting up. I sat and pulled his other arm and clipped it, pulling him off of Grace. He rolled onto his stomach and looked at Lily who was now standing with an impressed face.
"Y'all were fixing to get taken in, how do you even think of that as fast as you did?" she asked, lifting the angel off of the ground.
"It just came naturally," Grace winked, dusting off her pants.

Isabel POV

"They took us to Heaven in a dang blink though," Gun talked to the people in the cell across from us. The dark hallway was almost bright as day for me. My senses heightened in the dark. Gun stood up and modeled for us, "Does this jail outfit make me look fat?" he asked.
"We are in Heaven's jail and you still manage to only care what you look like," I mumbled, readjusting myself on the closed toilet lid, resting my chin in my hand. Idiot. I wonder how Grace and Ellie are. And I guess Cody. Hopefully they aren't dead, but I guess there's not much I can do at this point.
"Why the long face, sis?" Gun asked, wrapping his disgusting arms around me. I felt anxiety build in my chest as his arms held me close to him. My face was obviously blank though. "They'll find us and save us," he continued, pressing his head against mine. I rolled my eyes.
"Lily and Ellie might they might make a good duo since Lily can fight and Ellie is smart."
"Lily's kinda cute too," Gun interupted.
"Shut up," I hissed. "Cody and Grace might not do so well." We both sat in silence for a moment. I let my hair fall in my face as I looked at the floor.
"How do we break out of a celestial jail?"

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