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Ellie POV

I watched as Atlas called for the gate to be closed on Cody and Grace. I sat on top of the roof and thought. All I could ever do was think. I couldn't fight, couldn't throw a punch to save my life. That's how it always has been, no matter how much training Gun did with me, no matter how much Grace showed me how to move gracefully with weapons. I looked down at the river that separated the house I was on to the other side of town.
I didn't know where Isabel or Gun was. It made my brain want to actually explode from not knowing. I had to know. One second an angel bursted through the door which I was standing behind. I got slammed into the wall and I couldn't see anyone else. When I looked the angel, Isabel and Gun were gone. I didn't recall angels teleporting in their skillset. And trust me, I had read thousands of books on them.
I looked at the palace, which the prince had retreated towards after closing the gate. And then back to Grace and Cody who were being approached by a broad shouldered angel. Grace glanced around, a gleam in her eye. I knew she knew what to do. She was almost as smart as me. Almost. I pushed myself up and began walking along the green roofs. I watched as people stood confusedly, watching their leader walk away. "That's what I thought you'd do," I mumbled to myself, hopping down onto the ground. I landed as carefully as I could, taking off into a sprint towards the palace. I was horrible fighter, but for one thing, I could run.
I tightly wove through little alleys between the houses, being careful not to charge into someone. As I turned onto the main street towards the palace, I noticed many people walked on the street with horses and animals. More people were out and about now that they were settled in. I looked both ways across the street and began passing, careful not to get ran over by a horse. I looked up at the palace. I can't take on a whole army and a king when I smack Atlas into next year. Oh and kidnap him and force him to tell me why the angels were just going for us and no one else. There was only one person I knew of that was willing to work with me, but he just happened to be in the dungeon, locked behind a door which I have no idea where the key is, and I'd have to sneak down. I bit the inside of my cheek and felt my heart beat quicken.
Is it really worth fighting when I could go home and take a nap? I pushed myself forwards, feeling lightheaded as I approached the castle. A feeling of nausea hit me like waves as I walked up the stairs. I drug my feet up the stairs, feeling heavy. Two guards stood there, staring blankly at the town below. "I've come to see king Philip," I lied, speaking quickly. The wind blew and I stared at them, neither of them looking or speaking to me. "Way to help my social anxiety guys," I spat. Looking at both of them. Neither of them even moved. I looked around me and everyone else was still doing their normal thing.
I waved my hands in front of their faces, "Hellooo?" I smiled as no one looked at me. I pushed the door some and both guards suddenly moved, looking at the door that was cracked open. I quickly shuffled in before they closed it again. Anxiety grew in the pit of my stomach, but quickly went away. I began looking at this as more of a science experiment, and not a random phenomenon that's probably a curse. I don't know why I'm invisible, but hey, i'm not complaining. "So this is what Cody felt like," I mumbled, looking around the empty throne room. I heard a familiar voice followed by feminine giggles. Atlas and a girl walked in the room, her hands gripping onto his arm. "I don't usually say this type of stuff, but you are a hoe," I smirked, knowing he can't hear me. They both suddenly stopped, their expressions dropping. My stomach dropped as I looked at them, their eyes glancing around confusedly.
"Oh shoot," I mumbled, running out of the room, towards the dungeon. My sneakers squeak against the floor as I stopped in front of the locked door that descended downstairs. I pressed my hands on the door and pushed on it some. I watched as my hands began to sink through the door. "That's so freaking cool," I squealed, pressing the rest of my body through the door. I didn't know how to explain it, but I could feel the door pass through me. My insides felt cool and I felt tingly. I stepped out of the door and looked behind me. The door was exactly the same, but I was on the other side. I looked down at my hands which were translucent. I watched as my skin became more opaque like I normally am. A feeling of weird excitement passed through me as I walked down the dark staircase and met the huge metal door with the torch. Why weren't there any guards?
"Let's try this again, but faster," I backed up to the edge of the stairs and got ready to run. I pushed off into a sprint and approached the door quickly, ramming right into the hard metal. My forehead connected with the door as a loud bang could be heard. Pain flooded through my head as I bounced backwards and landed on the floor. "Oh my god," I moaned, laying back on the ground and closing my eyes. I could see stars as I brought my hands to my throbbing forehead and the door creaked open. I opened them to see the familiar face of Dolos standing there. I didn't feel surprised at all, I knew who used magic on me and who is desperate to get out of here. "Is my brain leaking out my forehead?" I groaned.
"Next time you decide to run into a warded, metal door, let me reactivate your magic," he drawled. So he used magic on me? "So you aren't mad at us kidnapping you for—," I was cut off by a clanging noise, which could be heard from the cells. He had started to close the door but stopped, and we both glanced at the empty hallway. "That's not quite normal," he hinted. He opened the door once more and I sat up, pushing myself of the cold floor. I felt woozy as he led me into the dark hallway, us barely being able to see anything. A rolling noise could be heard, it slowly got louder as a metal bar, seemingly from a cell, rolled towards us.
"You're kidding," I breathed out. We both stood still for what seemed like moments. The creatures in the cells to either side of us also dead silent, their faces watching the dark end of the hallway. A sound of cracking, and ripping, and blood splattering on walls sounded throughout the room. I knew that sound from anywhere. That was a big, bad werewolf. And the type that didn't blow down houses. Rather the type that murdered the pigs and every single living relative of them. I knew the ripping was the sound of it transforming into their large wolf shape, the human skin ripping apart and making place for a much warmer and fuzzy body. The cracking was its bones turning into bones of wolves.
I large head came into view. Its brown eyes holding anger and hatred. The wolf was completely blonde and still slimy from blood, human skin still hanging onto the fur. I gagged and took a step back as it took a step forward, it's claws scraping the floor. Soon enough, the huge wolf shot forwards towards me and Dolos. It's huge body slammed me into the door, it's jaws just hovering above my neck.

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