Chapter 11: Mackenzie's family

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Chapter 11

"No!" I say.

"Please step aside and let us come in to your room, son", the police officer says.

"I said no!" I say again. "You have no right".

For the past fifteen minutes I've been standing here outside my room, trying to prevent three police officers to go into my room, which was once Mackenzie's room. And that's why they want to go in.

After they got her out of the lake, they did identify her as Mackenzie Woods, and they told her family, meaning her parents and siblings.

They are all here. Michael, Cameron, Alicia, their families and their parents. They're all downstairs talking to other police officers.

"Move it!" One of them says.

"No! You have no right, it's my room, my privet life is in there okay? My man space, this house is full of kids and parents, this room is mine and I decide who's going in!" I say.

"It don't work that way boy! Now this is a murder investigation and we need to look through everything", the police man says.

I feel the anger rise inside of me. Electricity runs through my veins, and I do not mean literary. I really feels like electricity flows in my veins. It happens every time I get angry or upset.

"I. Said. No!" I shout angry.

As I shout this very strong wind comes from me and pushes the police officers back hard into the wall and they slide down, lying on top of each other. I think the fainted.


I run up to them and kneel down beside them. I have to trust my powers. I know my powers just got out of control when I knocked out the officers, but I really have to trust myself, otherwise I won't be able to control my powers.

I take a feel breath and put my hand on one of the officers. I take another deep breath.

"You tell your coworkers at you found nothing in my bedroom", I whisper.

I do the same to the other two.

When they wake up they just stand up and walk away. I walk after they and follow them to the living room where the others are.

"Nothing in the boys room", one of them says.

It knocks on the door.

"I'll get it!" Jocelyn shouts and runs out to the hall.

"I still don't understand... How did you find my sisters skeleton?" Alicia says.

Alicia is so unlike her sister. She's nothing like Mackenzie. Alicia has light brown hair with golden highlights, and big blue icy shining eyes. Mackenzie has ravens black hair and big brown eyes.

My eyes widen as I take another look at Alicia. She's pregnant. It looks like she's going to give birth any minute. And now it hits me how crazy much alike she is to her mother when she was pregnant with Alicia. She even has the same dress as her mother on the family portrait I found.

Suddenly I feel ashamed that I have the portrait and the locket when it's not even mine.

"Wait here a second", I say as I run out of the living room and up the stairs to my room.

I run up to the stairs and open the step. I take out the locket. I smile at it and close the locket as I take up the family portrait.

It's not right of me to keep these. I can put my own stuff in the step.

I close the step and walk out of my room.

I run down the stairs and into the living room.

"I found these a while ago and..." My words dies out when I see Iza in the living room. "Iza. What are you doing here?"

"Well I wanted to talk to you, I didn't know that ... All of this", she makes a big gesture around the living room. "Was going on".

"Please stay Elizabeth", Mackenzie's mother says.

"What did you find a while ago?" Michael asks.

"Oh yeahhh... This", I say showing the family portrait first.

Mackenzie's mother gasps.

"Oh myyy", she says and I give her the portrait.

Michael takes the portrait and I see how he starts crying.

"I almost forgot this day", he whispers. He's sad, but I can still sense some happiness. I think he is happy to see this portrait.

"And this", I say.

"Give it to Alicia", I hear Mackenzie's voice says.

When I blink I see her stand right in front of me.

"I want Alicia to have the locket, it's beautiful just like her", Mackenzie says and looks at her baby sister.

Okay that sounded weird. She's ten years old and her baby sister is thirty years old. She's ten years younger then them Mackenzie but she's older.

Oh god. I get a meltdown in my head.

I shake my head and walk up to Alicia.

"And I found this", I say. "I have a feeling Mackenzie would want you to have this locket".

I give it to her and she looks at me.

"That's the locket I bought for her on her tenth birthday", Mackenzie's father says. "Mackenzie would want you to have that".

Alicia starts crying.

"Thank you so much Jaydin", she says smiling at me.

"No problem", I say and smile back at her.

Iza sneaks her hand into min. I look at her.

I pull away my hand and wrap my arms around her instead and pull her body close to mine.

I feel sparks run through my body.

Am I in love with this girl?

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