Chapter 7: The dream?

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Chapter 7

As I enter the house I don't hear anyone. That's weird. They should all be home by now.

And that's when I hear music from the back.


I walk up to the back door and shoots it up. There they are. Mom and dad on sun chairs, Zebaztian and Daniel in the big big pool and Jocelyn sits in a swimming ring, so she's floating and with floating puffs on her arms.

Music is playing and it's warm and sunny.

"Hai", I say.

"Hey sweetie, how are you now?" Mom asks, sliding up her sunglasses on her head.

"I'm good, would you please stop asking me?" I say. "I'm gonna go up to my room".

And with that I leave them and head up to my room.

I throw my bag on the floor and crash on my bed with my head still pounding.

"Ugh", I groan.

I feel tired, so I simply just fall asleep.


Who's that?

Everything is black. Where am I? I was in my bed a minute go. Is this a dream? If it is a dream, then it's the freakiest dream I've ever had.

"Jaydin, you ahve to listen and listen closely", the voice says.

"Who are you?"

And right that second I get blinded by a sudden light and then a woman appear in front of me. The woman looks like she's in hear thirties, she has long flowing hair. She is al white, like she's transparent and has this golden glow around her. She's looking right at me, but it feel like she looks through me.

"Jaydin Forest, you're the chosen one, the one who needs to help the once that need you, you need to help them, Jaydin help those whose lives have been deprived with violence", she whispers.

What? I don't understand a thing. Who is this crazy woman.

"What do you mean?"

"Follow me", she says and reaches out her hand to me.

I look at it. I hesitate to take it, but after a few seconds I do.

Immediatly when I take her hand we are transported somewhere. It gets dark again, and then we end up in a room.

I look around. Have I been here before? It feels as if I have.

I hear a child cry. I start looking for he child and find him in a corner of the room.

My jaw drops. It's ... me. It's me when I'm four years old.

And old lady walks my way, my four year old self, I don't think that she can even see me.

"Shut up you slob!" She roars at me.

What the hell is this?

The woman takes my arm and drags me towards another room. I follow, with my heart pundng a hole in my chest.

The woman pulls me into a bathroom and ouches me to the floor and I lie crying onto the floor. I see how the woman starts to fill a bathtub with water.

What are you gonna do?" I scream at the lady, looking from her and my four year old self. "Are you crazy woman?!"

The bathtub is all filled and she walks up to me lying on the floor and crying.

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