Chapter 13: A heart on fire

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Chapter 13

Thew door flies open.

"Whaaaat are you dooooiiingggg?"

I look to the door. Jocelyn.

Iza jumps down from my knee and down on the bed.

"Nithing sweetheart, what are you doing?" Iza asks and spreads out her arms.

Jocelyn runs up to her and attack her arms.

I smile. Jocelyn is so cute.

Guys my age would complain over their younger siblings, saying they're annoying, interrupt all the time. But not me, no I love my siblings so much. Even though the twins can be annoying, but they know that and they do it on purpose sooo.

I wish I could to my family about my powers, about who I am and what I'm born to do. But I can't. I can't take the risk. Maybe they would believe me, but what if they wouldn't? What I they would think that I'm mentally ill and try to cure me by sending me to a mental home or psychologists.

I'm not stick, I know that, but they don't.

I took a big risk by telling Iza. What would I have done if she hadn't believed me? Or better yet, what would she have done? I'm lucky that Iza is so open minded.

"Mom told me to tell you guys that she cooks dinner now and she hopes that Iza want to eat dinner with us", Jocelyn says.

Iza giggles.

"Tell your mother I would love to", she says.

"Yey!" Jocelyn yells and jumps down from Iza and runs out and close the door behind her.

"She's so cute, I've got to introduce her to Wendy and Lena", Iza says.

Wendy and Lena is Iza's younger twin sister who are mine. They would get along great with Jocelyn. I don't know why we haven't introduced them to each other yet.

"Yeah", I say.

I feel I need to ask her what's on my mind.

"I just have one question... How come you believed me so easily?" I ask.

"I don't know... I guess I've always wanted to believe in something much greater then just life itself, that we don't just die and that's that", Iza says. "I guess that I've always believed that higher powers or magic always somehow does exist".

"And then I fall come around?" I say.

"Exactly", she says. "I guess I believed you as well because you do mean a lot to me, I've had feelings for you a while, but so has every girl in our school, so I guess I thought you saw me as one of them".

"Are you crazy? You're the only one that don't drool or make a fool of yourself", I say. "Of course I see you differently then the other girls... As you maybe realized..."

"No my memory is fading, remind me again?" She asks.

I smile and kiss her. I love how our lips move in sync with each other and how well my lips fit with hers.

"Now you remember?" I ask, pulling away.

"Nope", she says.

I tackle Iza onto her back and sits carefully on top of her as I crash my lips onto hers again with more passion and fire then before.

"Now?" I ask.

"Nope", she giggles.

"Yeah you do, you just like kissing me, admit it", I say slyly.

"Fine then", she says cocky and roll me over so she sits on top of me instead. "I like kissing you".

I look her into her beautiful eyes. Suddenly I become serious again.

"Are you sure you want to be a part of my world?" I ask. "It can become dangerous".

"Yeah, and I don't care", she says and stroke my cheek.

"Okay then I'm going to try something on you", I say, as I put my hands on her hips and lay her down on her back as I turn to my side. "Just close your eyes and lie completely still, take a deep breath and try to clear you head".

She does what I tell her and I see when she becomes relaxed.

I put my pointing pinger on her forehead and close my eyes as I think of the memory Mackenzie showed me. Trying to show Iza, make that memory go into hear head so she can see it as I put her to sleep.

After a while I hear Iza gasp and whisper so I know I succeed with what I do. Maybe I am more powerful then I thought...?

After about half an hour I hear her scream so I open my eyes and take away my finger.

She's still in the sleep I put her in. I try to shake her open.

"Iza wake up!" I say as I shake her. "Wake up Iza!"

She's sweating and panting as if she's running.

"Baby wake up", I say.

Her eyelids fly open and she look wildly around.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm here", I say and wrap my arms around her.

"That..." She starts in a husky voice but interrupts herself and stays quiet.

"I know", I say. "How much did you see before I pulled you out?"

"Right after he killed her", she says with tears streaming down her cheeks.

I pull her closer to me and feel how she shakes.

"What a sick sick sick man", she cries. "And it's your job to find him?"

"Yeah with help from Mackenzie", I say. "We have to track him down".

Iza huddle in my arms and seem much smaller then she actually is.

"Look at this..." I say to her.

She looks at my hand as I form a heart that is on fire, it flies a millimeter above my hand and she looks enchanted. I take it in my hands, and even though it's on fire, it's not warm and I don't get burn, my fingers just tickles a little.

"Here", I say and give it to her.

She takes it in her hands and looks so surprised and enchanted and every emotion a human can feel.

"Is there anything you can't do?" She asks.

Lean my forehead against her temple.

"Stop liking you", I whisper.

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