Late night Nests

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(Reader and Clint can't sleep)


It was currently 12:45.

You had been trying your hardest but you just couldn't seem to get to sleep no matter how much you tossed and turned.

At this point your bed sheets were twisted and uncomfortable for the 3rd time.

"Maybe if I had declined that request to help fix the TV with Tony earlier I'd have gotten to bed much sooner and be asleep by now. Not like Tony really needs help fixing technology anyway."
You mumble tiredly under your breath.

After about 30 more minutes you decide that you're not going to get any sleep tonight and move to get out of bed.

You run your hand through your (h/c) hair to make it somewhat less disheveled before padding out of your room and down the hall.

The apartment was quiet. Perfect for stealing a late night snack.

You quietly make your way to the kitchen, being careful not to wake Clint, who's room was just at the end of the hallway. You know he wouldn't wake up from hearing considering his hearing aids were probably out at this time, but you didn't want to risk it.

You got to the kitchen and snuck over to the fridge. You remember buying a microwaveable pizza and putting it in the freezer. Hopefully, it was still there.

"Better not have eaten it."
You mumble as you open the freezer, digging through it a bit.

"Better not have eaten what?"
A voice said and you screamed at the sudden startle, almost dropping your frozen pizza.

You turned and looked around only to find nobody there.


"Up here, (y/n)."
The voice said again and you looked up to see Clint laying on the top of the cabinets, propped against a few pillows.

"What are you doing up there? I thought you were in your room sleeping!.."
You whisper-shout at him.

Clint chuckled and sat up a little, careful not to hit his head on the ceiling.

"Couldn't sleep. Didn't want to go to my room if I wasn't going to sleep so I just.. grabbed some pillows and put together a spot up here."
He explained.

" you made a nest."
You said with amusement as you set your pizza down on the counter.

"It's not a nest."
Clint said back and let his legs hang over the side of the cabinets as he just sat.

"Yeah okay, Hawkeye."
You say back with a smug amusement.

Grabbing the pizza from the counter, you tore the wrapping off of it.

"You gonna share some of that?"
Clint asked you and you looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You gonna come down and grab a piece?"
You ask back.

Clint smirked in amusement.

"How about you put that pizza in the microwave for its 10 minutes. And then you join me up here so we can both eat it together."
He offered you.

"And how am I gonna get up there, Clint?"

"I'll help you up don't worry"

You let out a small chuckle before nodding your head.

"Alright, deal"
You state as you put the pizza on a plate then in the microwave.

Ten minutes later, you grabbed the plate and pass it up to Clint, who placed it beside himself. He then held a hand down towards you and you grab it with a smile.

"Alright, hold on."
He said as he pulled you up onto the cabinets with him.

"Wow. View's different from up here"
You said with a smile as you settle down beside Clint.

"View's always better from above."
He informed with a chuckle.

"So it is."

You reach over and grab the pizza plate, offering for Clint to take some. He accepts as he takes two pieces from it, biting into one.

"You think lucky wants any?"
You ask.

"...we'll save a slice for him."
Clint responded and you laughed before eating your pizza also, leaning lightly against Clint's shoulder.

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