Snips, snails, and puppydog tails

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(Reader and Clint take lucky to the groomer)


"He does this every time."
Clint mumbled.

He was on the floor looking under the couch and chairs in the living room.

"What are you doing?."

Clint raised his eyebrows and sat up, seeing you standing above him.

"Looking for lucky. He's hiding and I have to take him to the groomers today. But he hates the groomers," he started and paused as he got up, "and hides every time so it's a hassle to get him there."

"I saw him go into my room as I was going out it. Maybe he's under the bed?"
You offered as help.

Clint put a hand on your shoulder in a thankful gesture before going passed, leaving a small reddish shade on your face.

"Lucky. Come on boy it's not like I'm taking you to the vet."
Clint said as he went in your room and dropped down to the floor by the bed.

You moved into your room also and did a small laugh at what you saw. Clint was halfway under the bed, one foot waving in the air as he was trying to pull his dog out from under.

"Need help?"
You ask.

"Guard the door in case he tries to escape. I'm going to see if I can nudge him out the other side of the bed."
He instructed.

"Sure thing."

It was a few moment but you heard a small scrape of claws on the floor as lucky backed out from under the bed and headed your way.

"Hey boy."
You said with a grin and knelt down in front of Lucky.

Lucky went up to you as he tried squeezing passed you but you kept the dog in the room. Clint got himself back out from the bed and stood up, dusting himself off.

"You need to clean under your bed

"I don't need cleaning advice from you. I've seen your room."
You say back.

"Fair enough. Can you keep an eye on lucky while I get his leash?"

"Yeah I got him."

You make enough room for Clint to go by you before moving to keep Lucky from following.

"It's okay Luck, groomers aren't bad they just make you look pretty."
You assured the dog, petting behind his ears.

After a few minutes Clint came back, clipping the leash onto Lucky's collar.

"Okay. Let's go before he tries anything else."

"He's on a leash, what's he gonna do??"
You asked

"You'd be surprised"
Clint answered and the both of you went out of your room and the apartment, downstairs to the car.

Needless to say, getting the dog in the car was almost as difficult as getting him out of hiding.

But it was worth it in the end to see him all washed and brushed out wearing a purple bandana around his neck.

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