A dog's point of view

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(Trying something different for this. Chap. Entirely from Lucky's point of view)(gender isn't labeled for reader)


It was the smell of morning bacon that awoke him from his nap.

Morning bacon and.... ,lucky lifted his head from the blanket it rested on to sniff the air, the usual bitter water.
Getting up to stretch, lucky let out a wide yawn before sniffing some more.
Was that sausage too?

The scruffy dog jumped down from the couch, making his way towards the food room.
This room always smelled good this time of day. He could see his good human was at the hot counter, some sausage on the normal counter next to him.
He must be making the bacon right now. Maybe I can get both bacon and sausage today.

Going up behind his human, Lucky sat down patiently, waiting for him to finish. The human turned his head and looked down at him, making the face he used when he was happy.
He must be excited about food too. He's lucky he is able to make it

Lucky sat there for a quite a few minutes and eventually his patience was granted with a reward. His human, he sometimes heard him called Clint, set down a plate that had two sausages and a strip of bacon on it.
The dog's tail wagged enthusiastically and his human buzzed a few sounds before the dog heard 'Eat'. That word Lucky understood and he went to the plate to eat what was given to him.


Lucky made sure to clean the plate off extra well before leaving the food room. He always made sure to do his part clearing off food dishes before Clint would put them into the dish cleaner.

Dishes didn't taste good when they came out of there. Lucky tried it once and it just tastes plain, and afterwards Clint put it back in the cleaner.

Heading into the couch room, Lucky saw that his human was rummaging through the shelf with the small boxes on it. These boxes were a mystery to him. Clint would open them and take out flat donuts and then slide it into the picture box. He wouldn't even eat them after the tv spit it back out.

The human is strange. But I still love him and will protect him.

Lucky sat beside the couch and watched his human finger through each small box on the shelf before finally pulling out two of them. But he did not take the flat donuts out. No he set them down on the table, what did he get them for??

Clint then headed down the hall and into his sleep room, returning with the snuggle blanket.

Getting an itch, Lucky lost interest and scratched the side of his neck, yawning.
Another nap wouldn't be so bad, but it's noon and naps are for a bit after.


He didn't know how it happened but he ended up napping. Lucky opened his eyes blearily to the shuffle of feet. The room smelled nicer than earlier. Like pine cones or pine needles.

A knock on the door perked Lucky's wars up and moved his head to see Clint going towards the door and opening it. The door showed another human, this one Lucky knew. This human often came to this place to visit Lucky's human.

They conversed with each other as Clint let the other inside and Lucky decided it was time to get up for good now. He went to the other human to say hello and got ear scratches in return. Clint may give him pizza on good days but this human always did best ear scratches.

'Cute', Lucky heard from the human followed by other sounds before Clint pat Lucky's back lightly then gestured for his human friend to have a seat on the couch before he himself went into the kitchen.
Lucky enjoyed this human's company, they were not rowdy or rambunctious. They were not kept to themselves. They were the second best.

He went and sat next to the human's feet and received more attention, getting a thorough head rub. He could smell something good being made from the food room but he didn't move from the attention he was getting.

Eventually, his own human came back from the food room with two bowls, one of them smelled like popcorn.
The good kind with the salty taste. Clint handed one of the bowls to the other human and set the other bowl on his spot before he picked up the flat donut box. Putting the donut into the picture box and turning it on, he then grabbed his bowl and sat down.

Both the humans sat close together. Lucky had noticed over time how much Clint must like this human. He makes his happy face whenever they're around and Lucky likes it when his human is happy.
The other human took the snuggle blanket that was on the couch and put it over both of them and lucky moved to lay down in front of the couch so he was out of their way.

This other human was good for his human. So they'll be allowed to stay.



Guys.  I am SO Sorry for not being on her for like.  Months.  School is a heck and this semester's classes are just a pain for me. 

I've had this one half written for the longest tike but had writers block so I wasn't sure how to finish it. But I got my shiz into gear and wrote it out so I could give you all a thanksgiving gift.
So I hope you all had a nice holiday and sorry for missing the Halloween chapter like I did last year.

About this chap.

So for a lot of this I was honestly just trying to think like a dog and how a dog would see things.  The small boxes with flat donuts inside them are dvds. 

Also I based lucky understanding speech from Clint and 'the other human' based off one of the Hawkeye comics. It shows how lucky understands Clint and other people so there's certain words he knows and they rest are just like foreign language to him.

 It shows how lucky understands Clint and other people so there's certain words he knows and they rest are just like foreign language to him

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But I tried new stuff with this chap and I hope it was okay.  Comment what you thought about it and I'll continue to experiment with different ways of telling the stories to expand my writing skills.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone

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