Operation Childwatch

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(Clint has to look after the child of a friend)

(M/n)= mom's name.

When it came to jobs usually the first thing Clint's mind went to was running around and having to shoot arrows at something.

Standing at the front door of his apartment next to a kid as their parent walks of waving is the furthest thing he thought of.

The parent was the person that lived above Clint.

The child was her seven year old daughter.

And Clint was the archer that was confused on how he got this job in the first place.

The child's parent, (m/n), was now down the stairs and out of sight. She had told Clint that she would be back sometime around 2:20.
It was currently 8:40.

It was going to be a long 6 hours.

Clint looked down to see that the child, (m/n) has said her name was (y/n), was no longer beside him.

"What- (y/n)??" He called and looked around then inside his apartment to see that (y/n) had wondered inside and was looking around his apartment.

"...oh boy."
The archer mumbled before going in, closing the apartment door behind himself.
He was concerned, confused, but mostly he was just worried. He had a lot of things in his apartment that weren't exactly considered 'child-friendly'. Not to mention he didn't ask if there was any allergies he should be concerned about either.

Aw geez I might have to close Lucky into my room.

Clint watched the seven year old wonder around his living room and he rubbed the back of his neck.

And my arrows...


After putting up anything remotely dangerous to a child that was easily accessible, Clint came back out of his room, which he made sure to keep locked just in case, and walked into his living room to see (y/n) next to his dog Lucky. She was making a tower of pillows on the dog that was just trying to catch a nap.
Clint had to admit it was kind of cute.  But he also felt sympathy for his dog.

Going further in the room, he took a seat on the couch, thinking of what to do.
"...So you like dogs?"

Good job Clint, can't possibly be anymore awkward than this.

(Y/n) absentmindedly nod her head as she put a throw pillow against lucky's belly.

Clint nod his head back in response. He watched as the child ran out of pillows as she just looked over her good work, the pillow tower slowly rising and falling with lucky's breathing.

Okay.. this shouldn't be difficult.. she seems to be able to entertain herself.



Oh how he was wrong.

Sure for the first part (y/n) had busied herself playing with lucky. But the dog had gotten tired of the attention and went into Clint's room to hide under the bed.

Currently, Clint was trying his best to find out what (y/n) wanted for a snack to keep her from rummaging through his stuff and possibly coming across some dangerous item.

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