A sketch in the park pt2

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(So As I was editing previous chapters, I realized that the 'sketch in the park' chap ending left room for a part 2.   So this is gonna be that part two.)


Pencils, microns, eraser, sketch pad.

What's missing here?..

Thinking for a moment (y/n) snapped her fingers in realization and walked over to her work desk, opening one of the drawers and pulling out a case of colored pencils.

"Can't forget these."
(Y/n) said to herself and went back to her satchel bag, setting the colored pencils in it with the rest of her art supplies.
Today was Wednesday. The last time she went to the park, she had ended up drawing a guy with his dog, he said his name was Clint, and he said she would be able to sketch him and his dog anytime she saw them at the park on Wednesdays.

That's what she planned on doing today.


(Y/n) had a medium sized satchel hanging over her shoulder as she left her apartment. The park was just a few blocks away so there was no use in driving or hitching a ride. Plus she preferred walking anyway.
Walking gave time to thinking.

She wondered if Clint even remembered their little deal they made that time ago and if he'd even be here today. He could have possibly changed park day schedules with his dog and now they could only go to the park on Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays.

For her dignity she hoped that wasn't the case.

Continuing on, (y/n) made her way to the park. She noted that it was actually a nice day out with the weather being how it was. No sign of rain or dark skies at all.

Perfect weather. Maybe If I'm there before them I can get a few practice sketches in.

Making her way through the park and it's business, (y/n) managed to grab an empty bench to set up at.
Getting comfortable took a few minutes of maneuvering but resulted in sitting in a cris cross. Her warm up sketches consisted of a few trees and flowers. Nature mostly. It was the easiest thing to draw in her opinion.


A page of doodles later and a shadow fell over (y/n)'s sketchbook. Squinting her eyes, she tilted to the side to try and get the sketchbook back in the light to continue drawing a squirrel. This resulted in a small chuckle from behind and (y/n) jumped, spinning around in her seat and almost falling onto the grass.
The man, Clint, has been the one that cast the shadow over her and was now looking down at her with both amusement and concern.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you, was curious on what you were drawing"
He said lightly.

"Oh um," (y/n) pulled his sketchbook back up from the bench and held it for clint to see, "just a few warm up sketches while I was waiting."

"You weren't waiting long were you? I would've been here sooner but I had to find Lucky's leash."
Clint informed her and as if to prove his point, Lucky's head popped in between the gap of the bench with his leash in his mouth. This got a chuckle from (y/n) as she scratched his head.

"So how've you been?"
Clint asked as he went around to the front of the bench.
"It okay if I sit here too?"

(Y/n) nod her head, moving her art supply bag off the bench and onto her lap instead so Clint could sit.
"I've been alright. I don't have that busy of a schedule most days so I tend to have a bunch of quiet time to myself."

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