Playing doctor

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(Reader gets a visit from her neighbor Clint that just finished a mission)


You weren't a very busy person when it came to days off. Mostly movies and snacks with a big dinner.

A lot of times you found yourself sitting on your small balcony like today, drinking a soda and reading through a magazine.

Pretty soon though, your neighbor would be over for your afternoon coffee and chat session. Ever since the both of you met, you and your neighbor Clint had both agreed to meet on Sunday afternoons to talk about the week. You both figured it was a good way to get rid of any stress from said week. Like a mini therapy session, except you both played as patient and therapist.

It probably helped Clint a lot more than you. He mentioned something once how he did some work with the avengers every now and again so you worry sometimes.

"Hey (y/n)!"
A voice shouted from below. You look down to see Clint down on the sidewalk and looking up at you.
"What's up?"

You smile with amusement.

You joke lightly.

"Go ahead and come up. I'll put the coffee on."
You state, closing your magazine.

Getting up and heading back inside, you head to your small kitchen and put on the coffee maker, taking out two mugs as well.


The sound of the door brought you away from the couch. You had also set two mugs of coffee on the living room table as well as the coffee pot itself, adding a blanket to the couch just to add for comfort.

Going to the door, you opened it and your (e/c) eyes widened at what you saw. You didn't notice it before but now that Clint was face to face with you, you could see all the nicks and cuts that were on his face and hands.

"Oh my god, Clint."

"Yeah I know. But hey, it could be worse."
Clint said, seemingly shrugging off his injuries.

"No, no no this is still bad.  Why didn't you take care of your cuts before coming here?"
You asked, hands on your hips just to add as an effect with your concern.

"(Y/n), they're small cuts. They'll be gone by tomorrow morning or afternoon."
Clint said simply with an amused grin as he slid past you and to the couch, picking up his coffee mug. He knew you were concerned but he'd had enough cuts and bruises on the past that they didn't really bother him unless they were severe.

You looked at your neighbor with narrowed eyes as you closed the door. You were silent for a second before moving and walking passed Clint, who didn't even notice as he was drinking his 'sacred energizing juice'.

After digging around the bathroom cabinet for a few minutes, you come back into the living room and sit on the couch beside Clint, facing him. In your hands you held a first aid kit.

Clint raised an eyebrow at you and set his now empty mug on the table.

"What are you doing?"
He asked simply.

"Just because they're small cuts doesn't mean they won't sting if something else gets in them. Like dust or hair. Or coffee."
You state firmly as you open the kit, getting out bandaids.


"Don't try."
You interrupt him as you unwrapped the first bandaid, putting Neosporin on it before planting it right in the bridge of Clint's nose.

Clint just stared at you.
"We good?"

"Not until I have them all covered."
You respond as you continue unwrapping bandaids.

Clint got a small smile of amusement and just sat still, knowing he wouldn't be able to convince you otherwise. You could be stubborn when you set your mind to something.

Clint sat quietly as you doctored him, making sure all of his nicks and cuts were completely covered.

"Am I all good doc?"
He asked jokingly.

"All clear."
You reply with a grin and close the aid kit.

Clint said with a chuckle as he refilled his mug and took a sip from it.

You watched him with amusement. He now had several bandaids on his face as well as on his hands and wrist.

Probably from his bow
You think to yourself.


After the Doctor session, the both of you sat in peace with your coffees and talked about how the week went. You had your complaints about your job and Clint had his own complaints about the hassles that came with hanging out with the avengers.

Overall, you both still wouldn't change anything about it.

You smile you yourself.

After all, it's the main reason you both have this fun get together every week.


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