Move in day

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(Reader greets Clint as he's moving in next door)


A new apartment a new start.......

Sort of.

Lucky seemed to like the place okay, so how bad could it be.

"Just have to start with the boxes.."
He muttered as he he cut a few of the boxes open.

"Clothes, clothes, CD's."

He listed off the contents of boxes as he opened them, moving them to places where things would go.

So far the only difference was that stacks of boxes were now scattered boxes.

"Arrows, plates and bowls, towels, movies-"

He paused as he opened that fourth one.

"Blade Runner, man I love this movie."
He said with a grin as he took the movie out.

He looked down at his dog, who was laying on the floor.

"Hey lucky feel like watching a movie?"

Lucky lifted his head up and looked at Clint for a moment before laying his head back down again.

Clint chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah okay, maybe in a bit."

He went to open another box when he heard a few knocks at the door.

Clint did a short sigh and put the movie back down.

"This move in is going to take forever, boy."
He said to his dog before heading to the door.


(Y/N) stood outside the apartment door with a plate in her hands. She had watched this guy haul box after box into his apartment from the balcony. It was an accident that she found out he lived right next door but (y/n) figured, it didn't matter, she'd still give him welcome cookies.

The door opened and Clint looked out, raising his eyebrows.

He said with a hint of awkwardness.

"Hi, sorry"
(Y/N) began.

"I just happened to notice you were moving in and I though I'd bring some cookies that you could snack on while you were settling in."

Clint looked at the cookie plate and his expression seemed to light up a bit.

He said as he took one.

(Y/N) did a small chuckle.

"So how's the move in? Are you settling in okay?"

Clint turned and looked inside his apartment to reveal the boxes still scattered.

"It's a work in progress. I keep getting distracted."

(Y/N) nod her head.

"I know the feeling. It took me a week and a half to finish unpacking completely."

"With my luck it'll take longer."
Clint stated, munching on the m&m cookie.

(Y/N) was quiet for a moment before speaking up again.

"If it's okay with you, I wouldn't mind helping you out," she suggested, "unpacking takes a lot, especially with the distraction of finding things you forgot you had in all the boxes."

Clint raised an eyebrow.

"You sure you want to spend your time emptying out boxes?"
He asked and (y/n) nod her head with a grin.

"We're going to be neighbors now, consider this a first act of an upcoming friendship."

Clint did a short chuckle and moved to let her in.

"Alright then. Hope you don't mind dogs miss..."

"You can just call me (y/n), and I love dogs."
She said back and gladly went in.

Clint had a light grin on his face as he closed the door behind them.

"I'm just trying to get the living room and kitchen unpacked for now."
He told her as he moved to the box he was at before (y/n) arrived.

(Y/N) set the cookie plate down next to a box on the living room table and put her hands on her hips.

"Where would you like me to start?"

"Well the box by the tv has the DVD player and those chords in it... it's probably best I don't get anywhere near the chords after what happened to my PlayStation."
Clint said with a halfhearted chuckle and looked back at his own box.

The both of them were unpacking boxes for a while and Clint pulled out a few movies from his box as he was putting them on a shelf.


He looked back at (y/n) then at the movie again.

"Hey (y/n)."

(Y/N) responded as she got a few magazines neatly stacked on the table.

"After this unpacking is done, would you like to stick around to watch a movie?"
Clint asked, pausing after as he waited for the answer.

(Y/N) smiled to herself and set another magazine down.

"I'd like that."
She answered and Clint turned with a grin.

"Do you like blade runner?"
He asked.

(Y/N) chuckled.

"I love Blade Runner."


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