Dog hair on yoga mats

978 33 1

(Fem!reader does yoga with Clint as a way to destress. Lucky decides to join in)

Life has always been stressful.
That was a fact (y/n) has known for a long time.

It's why she eventually took up practice in yoga.

It helped when she had to clear her mind if any thoughts, problems, or anxieties.

Usually, (y/n) liked to find isolated areas when she did yoga, whether it be her own apartment or the far corner of a park that nobody was hanging around.
This time, she had found the stairwell to the roof of her apartment building and was currently in the middle of it doing a cobra pose.

The wind blowing, pigeons scampering on the roof.. it was as peaceful as anyone would get in the city while being outside.

Taking a light, deep breath, (y/n) sat up from cobra and moved into the pigeon pose.

It was pretty nice outside.

The sound of the rooftop door opening made (y/n) turn her head quickly, but it was to no avail as a dog nose was suddenly in her face.

(Y/n) have a surprised laugh as she pet the dog, Lucky, and looked up to see the owner of the dog himself walk out the door as well.
"So this is where you've been holed up."

"Holed up isn't the term I'd use. More like.. 'place where I'm spending time'."
(Y/n) responded to the man.

It was her next door neighbor in the apartments. He was an interesting person with a mood ring of a lifestyle.

Clint Barton.

Aka Hawkeye of the freakin avengers.

The both of them actually met at a therapy office waiting room.
She went to seek options about de-stressing her life, hence the yoga she's doing now, and he was there because it turned out her therapist was also some dark underground mafia boss. Needless to say that her therapist mysteriously got replaced by a new one after her session.

No need for guesses on what happened there.

"So what's all this?"
Clint asked as he shut the door behind him.

(Y/n) lightly shoo'd Lucky away and the pooch went to sniff around the roof.
"It's Thursday."

Clint said back questioningly.

"Thursday is yoga day. As prescribed by my therapist."
She responded then changed poses again.

"Your therapist as in the one-"

"Yes that one."

(Y/n) focused on the city's skyline.
"She may have been some crime lord but she did give good advice."

Clint shrugged at that before moving further out into the roof.
He spoke up again after (y/n) switched poses again. A warrior position"

"So how do you do yoga?"
He asked, receiving a chuckle from (y/n)

"Clear your thoughts, focus on relaxing.  You have to find your center."

"And doing all those poses helps find your center.?"
Clint questioned.

"In a way."
She answered then looked at him.
"Care to try?"

The archer looked at his neighbor for a few seconds before giving a responsive shrug.
"I don't have a mat."
He stated.

"You don't need one, come on."
(Y/n) said back and waved him over.

Clint went ahead and ambled over and next to (y/n).
"So what pose is this?"
He asked as he did his best to copy it.

"This is a warrior pose."
(Y/n) answered him simply.

"How is this a warrior?"

"I don't know it just is."

Clint shrugged shortly.
"Not that hard."

"Focus more on your breathing."
(Y/n) input and Clint looked forward.

"Right, right."


The pair had been doing yoga for up to a half hour now, leaving no sounds except for the city noise and pigeons that landed on the roof.

(Y/n) was leading the way in each yoga pose, Clint did his upmost best to copy each pose exactly, and Lucky chased away any pigeon that stayed on the roof for more than two minutes.

"You're right, this does make things relaxing."
Clint said after a bit of silence.

"So my crime lord therapist wasn't crazy after all?"
(Y/n) asked with amusement as she moved into downward dog pose.

"Oh no she definitely was," Clint said as he moved to get into the same position, "I'm saying she had a good idea."

The both of them chuckled at that and went silent again.

The silence didn't last long however as there was suddenly a very wet dog nose in (y/n)'s face followed by a slobbering tongue.

"Aw gross! Lucky!"
(Y/n) complained with a laugh as she sat up quickly to wipe her face.

Clint let out a laugh as he looked over to see the brown dog sitting in front of (y/n), tail wagging and tongue hanging from the side of his mouth.

"He wants join in too."
He said jokingly.

(Y/n) shook her head in amusement as she ruffled the dogs ears gently.
"Maybe I'll just have to get you a mat of your own huh?"

Lucky gave a short bark before licking at (y/n)'s face again, resulting in laughter from the two accompanying people on the roof.

Life could be stressful, yes. But sharing it with others made it a bit more bearable.



Okay guys.  I promised on the third right.
So here you are. As promised.  Earliest I could get on the third.

I made it a bit long to make up for my absence so this chap has around 800 something words.
I hope you enjoy it.

Good morning/afternoon/night and I hope you all have a Happy 4th!

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