Chapter 24

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I woke up to the sun shining through the windows that made up one of my bedroom walls. I smiled at the surprise of a sunny day in Forks. I rolled over and checked the time. 10:15.

"Good morning." A voice said from the corner. I turned to see Edward, his skin shining where the sun hit.

"Good morning." I sat up as he walked over and sat by my side. "What is the plan for today?"

"Well first, you need breakfast." He chuckled as my stomach growled. "Then we can do whatever you want. The sun is going to be out all day."

I got up and went into my closet to get dressed, closing the door behind me. After getting dressed, I made my way downstairs.

After successfully making it down the stairs, I sat at the dining room table as Edward brought me the breakfast he had made for me. He sat across from me. He watched me intently while I ate, like he was fascinated by my every move. I felt my face grow red and I looked down at my food.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." I mumbled and continued eating. I never knew what to think when he looked at me like that. It gave me a funny feeling in my chest.

"Do you have any ideas of what you want to do today?" He asked as he took my dishes before I had a chance to take care of them myself.

"Nothing too big. I just want to relax and enjoy it."

In a few minutes, we were sitting by an open window, letting the sun and fresh air in. We both had a book to read, and I was wrapped in a blanket as it was still winter outside. We read for an hour or two, enjoying each other's silent company.

"Alice says Jessica is about to text you." He said while turning a page in his book.

"Thanks." I reached over to my phone and picked it up just as I received her message.

"Hey Bella! Angela and I are going out to lunch, would you like to come? Edward is welcome to join us too (; "

"She wants me to go to lunch with her and Angela." I tell Edward. "She invited you too."

He smirked. "I can't go for obvious reasons," he gestured a shining hand out the window to the sun, "And I probably shouldn't encourage her obsession with me."

"What ever do you mean?" I fake gasped. Edward rolled his eyes.

"Regardless, I think you should go have some fun with your friends."

"Fine, I'll just tell her you made plans with Emmett and Jasper."

I sent Jessica a quick text with my answer and quickly got a text back telling me where to meet them.

"I can drive you there." Edward offered.

"I don't think that is the best idea. She thinks you are busy." I pointed out. "And I can drive myself you know." I had my license, but I didn't drive often as I usually rode with someone else.

"I know." He chuckled.


"Hey Bella, perfect timing. We were just about to order." Jessica waved me over. I walked to the corner where they were and took a seat beside them.

A waitress came by and took our order. The girls and I talked while waiting for our food. It was mostly Jessica talking about boys or Angela occasionally making a comment. Our food came out and our conversation continued between bites.

"It's such a shame Edward couldn't come." Jessica sighed.

"Sorry. The guys got to him first and you know how Emmett is." I giggled.

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