Chapter 6

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Edward's POV:

'I had to hunt a lot before, but this is ridiculous.' Jasper thought.

Ever since I found Bella, we all have had to go hunting more often. We are not used to having a human in our house for long periods of time. We now have to go every three days. Three or four of us would stay home at a time with Bella, while the others went hunting.

Bella is really happy, she is laughing all the time, especially when Emmett throws her in the air and catches her. She is now 8 months old. Alice is already shopping for her birthday even though it is 4 months away. Carlisle had figured out that her birthday was September 13. She has tried to walk and talk but it never seems work out for her. She hasn't tried to walk or talk recently and Esme is worried that she will never learn. Carlisle keeps telling her not to worry about, but hearing her thoughts, she isn't convinced.

I tuned into Esme's thoughts to see if she wanted to go home. 'Oh, I hope Bella is alright.' she thought.

"Esme, Bella is fine. Carlisle, Alice, and Rose are with her." I reassured her.

"I'm just worried that Alice and Rosalie are overwhelming her with clothes." she said as she came through the bushes to Jasper and I.

"They do like playing 'Barbie Bella' don't they?" Emmett said, dropping out of a tree from above.

We all laughed. Emmett will be Emmett.

"Let's go already! I want to see baby sis." Emmett whined.

"Ok, Let's go see the little angel." Esme giggled.

It is so nice seeing everyone so happy. I know that they have seen a change in me too, I have seen it in their thoughts. I feel whole when I am around Bella. I just know Alice is hiding something from me, but she is so stubborn. I can't tell if she is hiding something good or bad. It is killing me to know.

Another thing is bothering me. I can't read Bella's mind. It is so frustrating, not knowing what is going on in her little mind. Carlisle thinks that is just because she is too young, but I'm not too sure.

We finally reached the house. As we walked in the door, Alice and Rose came down with Bella. Bella's expression was cute, but she was angry. She was in Alice's arms and had her arms crossed. She was wearing a very frilly pink dress. She not only hates frilly things, she also hates the color pink. Alice is irritated by this, so much. She forces Bella into frilly pink things, hoping that she will grow to love it. She hasn't succeeded. She has actually made her hate it more.

Bella saw Esme and reached out her arms to her, signaling that she wanted to be held. Esme took her from a beaming Alice.

"What's wrong baby girl?" Esme asked.

Bella frowned and pointed at Alice and Rosalie. She was obviously angry at them for forcing her into the dress.

"Why can't you guys just get rid of all the frilly and pinks clothes from her closet?" Esme asked them.

"She can't love pink if she doesn't wear it." Alice said innocently.

"She hates pink things. When she can talk, she can tell you when she wants to wear pink. Now in the meantime Take every thing pink and frilly out of her closet." Esme said.

"Fine." Alice said as she stomped up the stairs. Rosalie followed her.

We all laughed, even Bella.


Hey! Sorry If it has been awhile. I had writers block, or had just been too lazy. I would like to thank TwihardRo0jaBo0jaBo0 for helping me by giving me ideas and supporting this story through the entire process. Thank you so much!!!!





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