3S Review

29 3 3

Author of the story is xletmebemyselfx

3S is an amazingly written story that features a young girl and her seemingly unwanted job given to her by the reputation she has amongst her peers. The story is really well written, and the one chapter that features a different pov from the main person feels as though it is truly a different perspective than the main character. The writing is just that slight bit different from the first two. I highly recommend checking the story out, so far from just the three chapters alone I'm hooked on what will happen next.

This segment is for the author to see what I had to say while reading it, feel free to look at it if you want. Maybe it'll intrigue you enough to go read the full story.

Ch.1 : The first chapter starts of with an explanation as to why the story is called 3S. My one question is, is it just like a reputation amongst students. Or do the school's themselves acknowledge it. This is more of a personal question than a nit pick. The writing is superb and you have quite a bit imagery which is always good to have. Very good start to what I hope to be a very good story to end my day. :D

Ch.2 : This was an extremely well written chapter and I was surprised a bit by the twist. I mean it was hinted at but I have seen so many things where stuff gets hinted I naturally assume its a red herring. You did well with providing more background to the MC without making it feel thrown in. I have nothing but good things to say about this so far.

Ch.3 : The third chapter had a change in pov, to a character who seems to really like biology. It's interesting to see how the writing changes subtly between the two povs that have been available. In any case this was a nice read and I'm interested in knowing more about this mystery that is afoot.

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