Chapter Ten

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Dedicated to mikhayla_fuentes for following this story, voting and commenting! Thank you to everyone else who has been doing so, I'll get around to giving you all a dedication :)

"You're telling me you've never had deep dish pizza. You've been living in the Chicago suburbs your whole life and you've never had it?"

"Born and raised an hour from Chicago, yet I've never had it."

Pete and I were currently sitting in the living room, having a heated debate on which food was the best. I argued that hamburgers were the best food out there, while he argued that pizza was. This eventually led to him going on about all types of pizza, including deep dish pizza, which Chicago is famous for, and which I have never had.

"Patrick! Your girlfriend has never had deep dish pizza!" Pete yelled down the hallway, loud enough for Patrick to hear from his room.

"I'm not his girlfriend, I would never help someone cheat on their boyfriend who so happens to be their roommate!" I gradually made my voice louder, so that by the end of the sentence, Patrick could hear me. Sure enough, he came running out of his room.

"I swear to God Skye, if you don't shut up about Peterick I can guarantee that I'll never take you out for deep dish pizza." He threatened.

I put my hands up in defense. "Oh no, what a shame. It's not like I could go out and get some myself." I remarked as he rolled my eyes at me.

"I don't care, I'm taking you out for pizza. Pete, can you stay here and watch her brother and sister? And I mean watch, not just sit on the couch with your headphones on." Patrick ordered.


"Please Pete?" I interrupted. He gave me a look that said 'fine' before Patrick grabbed my wrist and nearly dragged me out the door. As soon as we got outside, I jumped away from him.

"What was that for?" I said, referring to his previous actions.

"What?" He complained.

"Don't 'what' me! You just dragged me out of the apartment!" I said, with a little more bitterness than I should have.

"Oh, sorry." He mumbled. He reached out for my hand again but pulled away. "Uh, you can just follow me to the car."


"Hey, sorry I yelled at you before." We were sitting in the restaurant, waiting for our pizza. We hadn't spoken since we got in the car, and you could feel the tension between us. He stopped stirring his drink with his straw to look up at me.

"No, it's fine. I'm sorry I dragged you out of the apartment." He apologized.

"It's fine, you were just excited," I assured.

"Well, you've never had deep dish pizza, but you've lived near Chicago your whole life!" He laughed and I managed a smile. "Hey look, our pizza is here!" A waitress placed a large cheese pizza on our table before walking away. My eyes widened.

"Patrick! This thing is huge, we won't be able to finish it!" I laughed when he didn't respond, but just shoved a piece of pizza in his mouth. I bit my lip, waiting for it to burn his mouth. His face went red and he spat it out.

"Holy shit, that's hot." He said.

"Why thank you." I sarcastically said, as his face went even redder.

"I-I- I was talking ab-bout the p-pizza." He stuttered, which made me laugh even more.

"Oh c'mon Stumpy, you know I'm just kidding." His face was as red as the sauce on the pizza, at this point. "You know, you blush very easily." I pointed out.

"Just shut up and eat your pizza." He mumbled. He seemed upset, so I didn't push it. There was yet another awkward silence between us. What happened to us?

"Sorry. I should've stopped." I muttered back, before taking a bite of the pizza. "Oh my God, that's amazing."

"Why thank you." He said, a smirk plastered on his face. He even gave a wink, for extra effect. "You know, you blush very easily, too."

I bit my lip, trying to hold in my laughter, but failed. "Thank you."

"No problem, the pizza's on me." He smiled. I tried to talk, but he cut me off. "Please don't start fighting over who pays. I'm paying, final answer."

"No, not about the pizza," I said. "As I was saying before, thank you. Not just for the pizza, not just for giving me a place to live and food on my plate, but for everything else. For being a friend. I never had a single friend, throughout all of school. My father was my only friend. Once he passed, well, I just stopped talking completely, for about a month. After that, I only talked to not make a situation worse with my mother, or when my brother and sister would get scared and I had to comfort them, or when I had to tell them to hide from my mother. I don't think I have smiled in a long time before I met you. I don't think I've laughed in two years before I met you. But now, this is probably the happiest I've been in my entire life. And I've known you for what, a week and a half? Almost two weeks? You're an amazing person, Patrick. Thank you."

He was taken aback by my speech. He smiled and managed to say just one word.



"I choose defeat, I walk away, and leave this place the same today. Some like to sleep, we like to play. Just look at all that pain."

"Werk it, gurl." Aaron completely ruined the mood of the depressing song we were just playing. We were currently at his apartment, in his room, just playing guitar and singing.

I Laughed. "I swear, Aaron. You are the closest person to a white girl that I know."

"What makes you say that?" He said, sipping his Starbucks. I eyed his cup. "Oh."

"Yeah, oh." I nudged his shoulder. "I'll make sure to get you a pair of Uggs for your birthday or Christmas or whatever."

"Ew, no!" He gasped. "Those things are Uggly, pun intended. I'll stick with my converse, thank you very much."

"I guess that's a no for the yoga pants and the North Face jacket, too?" I questioned.

"If you're going to buy me a North Face jacket, be my guest. Those things are hella expensive." He said, and I nodded my head in agreement. "So, when are you going to play me the bass?"

"Uh, I actually don't have one. I've never had any spare money, so unless you have one, you're going to have to wait until I have enough money to buy one."

"Well, unfortunately, I don't have one. But I can help you save up-"

"No, no, it's fine. But once I do get one, we should so start a band." I suggested.

"Totally. It should be called 'Aaron and the Losers.'" He said, excitedly.

I laughed. "Wow, that's really creative Aaron. That name would totally sell a lot of records." He didn't reply. "Earth to Aaron? You there?" I waved my hand in front of his face. He was staring blankly at his phone.

"How come you never tell me anything?" He whined.

"What are you talking about?" He didn't respond, instead, he just showed me his phone. He was reading some gossip magazine article. My heart stopped when I saw a picture of Patrick and I, along with the headline;

"Patrick Stump and Mystery Girlfriend?"

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand *Cue cliché dramatic music to go with cliché point in the plot*

Don't worry, this won't be the main conflict. I'm not that cliché.

So basically I'm going to go and write as many chapters as I can at the moment, and upload them as drafts. So on vacation, I should be able to just publish them from my phone. Unless my phone goes haywire, which it always does. I'll try, though!

Song: Fake Your Death - My Chemical Romance

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