Peter Parker and the Unforgettable Field Trip Pt.1

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Credit to R.Halliwell-Parker on slightly edited by me.

The day was already going to hell. First he was late to school. Second, his twin sister aka Violet was out of town for a dance competition and wouldn't be back until the end of the week. Third, Flash seemed to become more ballsy over night and was more physical with Peter today. And now this. Peter Parker sighed. Upon hearing of their upcoming field trip, he was beyond excited, after a crazy school year he was finally back at his position as one Midtown's brightest all while being Spiderman so a field trip sounded great. This feeling was soon crushed by a feeling of impending doom when the teacher excitedly revealed "I've got a tour at Stark Industries." Ned's eyes looked like a child's on Christmas in fact almost the entire classes looked like that too. You might be wondering why Peter would be dreading this, well everyone in this class knew about Peter's 'internship' at SI and some people (cough flash cough) couldn't wait to prove him wrong. Though Peter technically had an internship he had only been in Stark Towers a couple of times so they might not recognise him. Peter did actually have an internship never you fear but it was slightly different to any other interns job because his main work was being Queens' webslinger. Oh! He also was Tony Stark's son sooooo..... THAT WAS GREAT. He stayed with Tony's half sister May and took her married last name as to avoid the media.

After the Vulture incident, Tony invited Peter upstate to the avengers facility one Saturday ( which he's never seen do to not being " mature enough" ) and after seeing Peter's fascination with Tony's lab they had agreed every Saturday providing it was ok with May and Peter had his homework done, he could visit for the day. This had been happening for almost 6 months. The first couple months Tony had left Peter run wild working on web fluid and building robots for Robotics Lab in school but curiosity got the best of Tony and soon he began to pop his head in to ask what Peter was doing. This soon turned to Tony building far cooler robots beside Peter, to Tony showing his Suits, to Tony and Peter working together on random projects. Father son bonding time ya know?

Peter was brought back to Earth by the shrill sound of the bell signalling the end of school "Don't forget to get permission slips signed for Friday. Remember no slip, no trip" the teacher shouted above the noise of students scrambling towards the exit. Once Peter and his best friend Ned had left the class Peter started the conversation "what do I do Ned" "About what?" Ned asked. "The trip! You know the one we just got told about" Peter said pointing at the classroom door. "Oh that I dunno" "seriously that's all you have to say" Peter called after Ned who had begun to walk away.

Peter arrived back at apartment, itching to get into his suit but suppressing the urge he went to his room to do his homework. All the time Peter's mind was trying to think of a way out of the trip, perhaps he would forget the permission slip or maybe he would be too sick to make the trip. Peter finished his homework, heated some leftovers for his dinner and put a note with the permission slip.

'Hey May, gone to Ned's be back later. Had some leftovers from the fridge. Pls sign slip for trip.


Peter came to the conclusion that Flash couldn't prove that Peter had been lying Friday (Mr. Stark's AI) would recognise him, he had his official ID that gave him access to every area and someone at the tower was bound to recognise him. Most likely his sister, Violet or an Avenger. With this still playing on his mind he climbed through the window while pulling his mask over his face and jumping ready for his evening as Spider-Man.

The rest of the week went quick maybe too quick.

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